The Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Indonesia (UI) organized a series of events to commemorate its anniversary this year. The series of activities are dominated by various activities that bring changes, especially in the aspects of health, safety, and welfare. One of which was a golf tournament held on Wednesday (5/10). The golf tournament...Read More
On 24th May 2022, Indonesian President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Decree No. 82 of 2022 on the Protection of Vital Information Infrastructure, in a bid to safeguard Vital Information Infrastructure (VII) from attacks and breaches on cyber security. The decree was issued in response to contemporary challenges in cyber security. A senior lecturer and expert...Read More
Dr. Meuthia Ganie-Rochman, lecturer and expert on sociology from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Indonesia (FISIP UI), has recently been awarded the Kompas Dedicated Scholar Award. Dr. Meuthia is an expert on organisational sociology and development sociology who professes particular interest in issues surrounding corruption. She has been holding a chair in...Read More
On Wednesday (13/07), UI Library held a national webinar entitled “Transformation of Library Collection Management in Digital Ecosystems: Issues, Challenges, and Prospects”. This webinar aims to address issues faced by librarians and users alike caused by a gradual transformation from conventional to digital systems. Covid-19 has prompted an increase in demand for library digital services,...Read More
Victory! Four Universitas Indonesia (UI) students participating in a team styled the Sustainable Rangers, namely Maurice Efroza (Engineering ’19), Bella Hena Samira (Maths & Natural Sciences ’19), Najma Khofifah (Maths & Natural Sciences ’19), and Devina Azalya (Maths & Natural Sciences ’19), won a medal in the ASEAN Geospatial Challenge 2022. Sustainable Rangers is represents...Read More
Since being declared a tourist village by the Gianyar Regency Government in 2018, Kenderan Village, located in Tegallalang District, Gianyar Regency, Bali, has continued to develop the potential of the village, one of which is in the field of tourism through natural, cultural, and artificial attractions – such as trekkingtrails and trails. cycling. Thanks to...Read More
Sebagai salah satu Pusat Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) 2022, Universitas Indonesia (UI) menyediakan fasilitas penunjang dan pendukung kelancaran pelaksanaan UTBK. Untuk Kampus Depok, UI menyediakan 1.089 komputer yang dapat dipergunakan oleh peserta UTBK dan 166 komputer cadangan untuk mengantisipasi jika terjadit kendala jaringan. Sementara itu, untuk lokasi Salemba, UI menyediakan 229 komputer bagi peserta...Read More
Diandra Alya Putri, Keisha Karinna Avioza, dan Nabila Cahyarani Kusworo yang tergabung dalam Tim Oui, Fakultas Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI), meraih Juara Favorit di ajang L’Oréal Brandstorm 2022. Tim ini menawarkan inovasi Beautypal, yaitu smart personalized makeup device. “Inovasi ini menjunjung preferensi masing-masing konsumen dan membuat konsumen bebas berkreasi dengan advanced makeup palette yang sudah...Read More