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Center for Medical Physics and Biophysics (CMPB) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia underwent ISO 17025 Accreditation field assessment

In an effort to maintain and improve the quality of education and services, the Center for Medical Physics and Biophysics (CMPB), which is part of the Institute of Applied Sciences (LST) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI) underwent a field assessment to obtain an ISO 17025 accreditation certificate. from the National Accreditation Committee (KAN).

Apart from being an effort to guarantee service quality, ISO 17025 accreditation is also an indicator of recognition and excellence to meet the requirements for the implementation of the Conformity Test for Institutions appointed by the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (BAPETEN) such as CMPB FMIPA UI. The field assessment will be carried out on 20-21 June 2022.

CMPB FMIPA UI is one of the centers under the Applied Science Institute FMIPA UI which is dedicated to providing services and training related to the fields of Medical Physics and Biophysics. Historically, CMPB FMIPA UI is a transformation of community services provided by the Medical Physics and Biophysics Laboratory (LFMB) of the Physics Department of FMIPA UI since March 2014.

In his opening speech, the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI), Dede Djuhana, Ph.D., emphasized the importance of laboratory accreditation as a form of excellent service to the community and encouraged other laboratories at Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI) to increase the efforts to gain better accreditation.

“We are very grateful because the accreditation process for CMPB Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI) has reached the assessment process. We understand very well the importance of accreditation for laboratories which are supporting facilities in the implementation of educational and research activities at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI) . Moreover, CMPB Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI) has also become a testing laboratory that opens training services and X-ray aircraft suitability tests for many partner hospitals, so that in terms of increasing radiation protection competence for patients, our partners are also entitled to quality laboratory services from CMPB. We certainly hope that this assessment process will run smoothly, and get results as expected,” said Dede.

The field assessment was carried out by two assessors appointed by KAN, Murni Aryani who is the Head Assessor of the National Standardization Agency), and Endang Kunarsih as an expert from the Center for Technology System Studies and Supervision of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances (P2STPFRZR)-BAPETEN, involving the Head, Managers, and all members of CMPB UI.

On the second day, the closing of the event was also attended by the Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs, Dr. rer. grout. Budiawan; Head of Academic Quality Assurance Unit, Dr. Denny Riama Silaban; Head of CMPB, Supriyanto Ardjo Pawiro, Ph.D.; CMPB Testing Division Manager, Dr. Dwi Seno K. Sihono; CMPB Education and Training Division Manager, Dr. Lukmanda Evan Lubis; CMPB Quality Manager, Intan Apriliani S. Mu’minah; along with all service coordinators for CMPB Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI).

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