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Character Education Transmitted through Role Models from Parents and Teachers

In building human civilization, education is one of the determinants of the formation of a dignified human being. However, until now, education is still seen and measured by academic achievement alone. In fact, education is not only about teaching, but it also needs a process that can nurture individuals into personal character. In Indonesia, character education does not seem to be the main focus.

Cognitive Psychology Expert, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi), University of Indonesia (UI), Dr. Dyah Triarini Indirasari, M.A, Psychologist, said that character is a positive value that a person has that is used in behaving in everyday life. There are three basic needs that are fundamental for optimal individual development and character, namely the need for competence, the need for autonomy, and the need for connectedness.

“These three things can support the formation of a complete personality and character. In a sense, if the individual can develop himself so that he has skills and abilities that are relevant in his life (competence) while having control and freedom in making decisions (autonomy), and has good social relationships (connectedness). Then, the individual will be able to be more optimal in self-actualizing so that his satisfaction with the life lived will also increase,” said Dr. Dyah.

Furthermore, the need for competence can be channeled through education that individuals undergo, both formal, non-formal, and informal. Good experience and training will shape a person’s character and become the basis for how individuals can continue to develop themselves according to their needs or interests and talents.

“Therefore, various activities that are able to enrich learning experiences are very important, because there individuals can explore themselves and know the abilities that are relevant and need to be developed,” said Dr. Dyah.

In addition, the education system also needs to provide space for individuals to develop and be able to foster self-confidence, so that individuals have independence as well as responsible freedom. Experience of success also needs to be given so that individuals feel they are capable and can face various situations. This is where the education system plays an important role in shaping one’s morals and character.

Then, the educational environment also needs to provide a sense of security and comfort for individuals to socialize and have relationships with each other. “Like a tree, individuals who are detached from their roots will definitely find it difficult to stand upright, so the sense that I am part of a family or community also needs to be built,” said Dr. Dyah.

For this reason, it needs to be applied early on or at least since elementary school. Dr. Dyah said, a simple example of instilling character integrity can be taught early on by training children to throw garbage in its place or respect others.

“From the beginning, character education can also be transmitted through giving real examples from parents or teachers as adults to children. Thus, children can distinguish which values are considered good by their environment. Then, children are asked to imitate the good behavior and over time the behavior becomes a good habit that grows in children,” said Dr. Dyah.

According to her, in terms of national education goals, education in Indonesia may have displayed the character that is to be formed, but the implementation in the field is still not well organized. Dr. Dyah said that the education system in Indonesia is gradually expected to lead to the formation of prominent characters. The success of character education in Indonesia can be reflected in the behavior of its people. If people in Indonesia have implemented good ethical values, this indicates that character building through education has been successful in Indonesia.

In welcoming the Golden Indonesia 2045, Indonesia needs quality human resources (HR). Good quality human resources can be built if the education system also prioritizes good character education. “We have seen for ourselves, other more advanced nations, such as Japan, have excellent character education and this is obtained not only from the education system implemented, but also from the culture that is also continuously preserved,” said Dr. Dyah.

To achieve this, Dr. Dyah said that one of the expected social transformations is the existence of quality and equitable education. With the rapid development of technology as it is today, scientific content is easily accessible anywhere and anytime. However, how to form a person who is independent, moral, has 21st century skills (critical thinking, creative, able to solve problems, collaborate, have the ability to communicate, can be a global citizen, and have digital literacy) is still not visible. In fact, these skills are needed for humans to adapt to the various changes that will be experienced in the future.

Meanwhile, another thing that is no less important is that guidance and support from the environment, both family, school, and society are needed to provide opportunities for children to apply good behavior, internalize good values and then form them as people with good character.

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