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Clean Sweep of The Competency Degree from National Dentist Profession Program by FKG Students

Depok, July 4th 2023. Students of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia (FKG UI) recorded proud achievements in the National Competency Test for Dentist Professional Program Students (Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa Program Profesi Dokter Gigi, UKMP2DG), in the second period of 2023. Three FKG UI dentist graduates managed to occupy the top positions. In the first position, there was drg. Khullat Anees with a score of 97.5; and the second position was successfully achieved by drg. Yasinta Ayuning Dyah and drg. Natasya Arsanti who got the same score of 96.67.

UKMP2DG is the final exam (exit exam) for prospective dentists. A doctor is expected to have reliable competence in carrying out his duties in accordance with the Indonesian Dentist Competency Standards. In supporting this, the government as the regulator is holding a national level Competency Test for medical students in order to ensure the quality of medical graduates before going into service and serving the community.

This proud achievement was announced directly in the submission of an academic report by the Vice Dean of FKG UI for Education, Research and Community Service, Dr. drg. Ria Puspitawati, PBO., during the swearing-in procession and graduation of new dentists for the June 2023 period, which took place on Tuesday, June 27 2023 at the RIK Auditorium, UI Campus Area, Depok. She added, apart from the success of FKG UI in winning the highest UKMP2DG national score for the second period, the academic field also recorded that there were three students who won the Summa Cumlaude graduation title with an average GPA of 3.95, namely drg. Amelia Rahayu, drg. Aulia Nabila, and drg. Saint Diven. The Summa Cumlaude Honor means that all courses are successfully completed with a perfect score or an A, have never failed or repeated a course, and can graduate according to the study period.

The procession of oath-taking and graduation the new dentist graduates was led directly by the Dean of FKG UI, Dr. drg. Nia Ayu Ismaniati, MDSc., Sp.Ort(K). Currently, there are 3,671 FKG UI dentist graduates, consisting of 692 male dentists and 2979 female dentists spread throughout Indonesia.

“Congratulations to the 47 new dentist graduates, especially the graduates with the Summa Cumlaude honor and the highest UKMP2DG theory test scores at the national level. Hopefully, this can be a good first step in entering the professional world, and set off the enthusiasm of all graduates to continue developing themselves and increasing their knowledge in order to provide the best professional service in the field of health, especially oral teeth, for people all over the country,” said Dr. drg. Nia.

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