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Commemorating Isra’ and Mi’raj, Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque of UI Held the Special Invocation for the Month of Rajab

Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque of Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a “Munajat Rajab” event to commemorate Isra’ and Mi’raj of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The event was broadcast via YouTube live, on Wednesday (16/2), from UI Depok Campus. The speaker was As Sayyid As Sharif, Prof. Dr. Sheikh Muhammad Fadhil al Jailani al Hasani Hafidzahullah, who is the 25th grandson of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani. He is also the Founder and Chief Advisor of Markaz Al-Jailani International Turkey and the author of Tafsir Al-Jailani, Sheikh Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fadhil Al-Jailani Al-Hasani Al Husaini.

nat. Abdul Haris. “Today, we will listen to the study of the book Al Ghunyah by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jailani and Aurod Al Jailani Ijazah delivered by his descendant directly. On behalf of the superiors of Universitas Indonesia, we fully support this activity,” said Prof. Haris. He added, the glory and majesty of the month of Rajab should be honored by increasing worship and doing good because the month of Rajab has many virtues.

According to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jailani in the book discussed at the event, the word Rajab consists of three letters, namely ra’, jim, and ba’. Each letter has its own wisdom. The letter ra’ is rahmatullah or Allah’s mercy. The letter jim is judullah or ease from Allah. Meanwhile, the letter ba’ is birullah or the goodness of Allah. This means that during the month of Rajab, Allah bestows mercy, ease, and kindness upon His righteous servants.

The virtue of the month of Rajab is increasing because in that month the Isra’ and Mi’raj events of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH occurred. This event was a journey of Prophet Muhammad PBUH from Masjidil Haram in Mecca to Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, then continued from Aqsa Mosque to Sidratul Muntaha to face Allah SWT. Isra’ and Mi’raj are proof of the signs of Allah’s greatness as well as the beginning of the revelation of the five daily prayers which are the pillars of Islam.

“The commemoration of Isra’ and Mi’raj is UI’s effort to deepen the knowledge of its community in following Prophet Muhammad PBUH and apply it in everyday life. Hopefully, this activity will bring blessings to us, increase piety, and be a reminder for us to always stay away from disobedience,” said Prof. Harris at the end of his speech.

The event continued with a study of the book Al-Ghunyah by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani and Aurod Al-Jailani Ijazah document by As-Sayyid As Sharif Prof. Dr. Sheikh Muhammad Fadhil. The study was delivered in Arabic and translated by a translator. Sheikh Muhammad Fadhil stated that UI as a leading university in Indonesia is a place full of glory and blessings because all knowledge is studied in it. This reminds the high position of knowledge as Allah SWT ordered the prophets to convey knowledge to their people.

Unlike the previous prophets, the first command that Prophet Muhammad SAW received from Allah SWT was not to teach knowledge, but ‘Iqra’ which means ‘read’. Allah SWT has included, taught, conveyed, and bestowed knowledge to Prophet Muhammad PBUH since the first revelation was revealed. This shows that Allah SWT gave glory to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. In fact, the glory of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, according to Sheikh Muhammad Fadhil, can be seen from the call of Allah SWT to him. Allah SWT did not call Prophet Muhammad PBUH by name, but by his prophetic nature.

“The glory of Prophet Muhammad PBUH can be seen from the stories of the prophets and the evidences that exist. In fact, Allah SWT in His word calls Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a Prophet. Therefore, as his people, we should call him Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alaihissalam,” said Sheikh Muhammad Fadhil.

The honor of calling the Prophet Muhammad PBUH is also applied by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani in his works. When interpreting verses of the Quran or hadith, Sheikh Abdul Qadir did not mention Prophet Muhammad PBUH only by name. He always added the prophetic title, O most perfect Messenger, to the end of the name of Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a form of respect. For Shaykh Abdul Qadir, the Prophet is the leader of mankind and the leader of the prophets in all ages. Therefore, Prophet Muhammad PBUH must be honored and glorified.

The study event closed with the reading of prayers by Sheikh Muhammad Fadhil and the giving of souvenirs. Sheikh Muhammad Fadhil gave the book Mujahadah Thabilin by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani and Aurod Al-Jailani Ijazah to Prof. Harris. As the Chief Executive of UI Depok Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque Achmad Solehan, S.Si., M.Sc. expressed his hope that UI Mosque will continue to carry out the Rector’s mandate to become one of the pillars of the religious moderation movement at UI—in addition to the Makara Art Center and Student Dormitory—to support the four pillars of the religious moderation movement initiated by the government.


Writer: Satrio A | Editor: Sapuroh

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