One of the problems that is often found in elderly people is a condition where the brain’s abilities decline or what is known as dementia. This condition can be prevented or slowed down by investing in a healthy brain as early as possible, namely avoiding risk factors and implementing protective factors. Therefore, it is time to implement a national action program for the elderly to prevent or slow down dementia.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Center for Aging Studies (CAS) is making efforts to prevent or slow down dementia in the elderly and is participating in commemorating World Alzheimer Month (WAM) 2023, on Saturday (30/9). This activity, which was held in collaboration with Alzheimer’s Indonesia (ALZI) Depok Chapter, carried the theme “Seroja, Semanggi: Dementia, What Then/Caregiver Meeting #74”. “This theme is taken from the words Lansia Seroja, namely elderly people who are physically and mentally healthy (Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani) with high spirits or what is abbreviated as Semanggi (Semangat Tinggi). Investing in a healthy brain as early as possible is very important to prevent or slow down dementia, and it will be beneficial to the improvement of health and welfare conditions of the elderly,” said CAS UI Executive Secretary, dra. Vita Priantina Dewi, MSH.
The 2023 WAM activities were carried out on the UI Depok Campus, centered at the UI CAS Secretariat. This activity was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Depok, Ir. H. Imam Budi Hartono, M.Si who also serves as Chair of the Depok Senior Citizens Regional Commission and was attended by 350 participants from various organizations, institutions, and the community. In his opening speech, he said this activity was supported by the issuance of Depok Mayor Regulation (Perwal) Number 83 Year 2018 concerning the Implementation of an Elderly Friendly City. Apart from that, in a span of five years, Life Expectancy (UHH) increased from 72.1 years in 2014 to 74 years in 2019. “This condition needs to receive careful attention from various parties in the framework of realizing a SMART quality of life for the Indonesian people, namely healthy (Sehat), independent (Mandiri), active (Aktif), productive (Produktif), dignified (Bermartabat), as an elderly,” said Imam.
In its implementation, this activity began with a socializing event between the participants and the Deputy Mayor of Depok and continued with a speech by the Alzi Depok Chapter Regional Coordinator (Korwil), namely Maria, S.IP. Then, material regarding dementia or senility was delivered by Dr. Fakhrurozi as the supervisor of Alzi Depok Chapter and material about reminiscing therapy to stimulate the brain by Vita Priantina Dewi, MSH. Apart from that, material about tips on getting healthy and preventing dementia was also delivered by Dr. Agus Supriatna and Tuty Sunardi from ALZI. Apart from the presentation of the material, free health checks and group exercise were also carried out.
“The hope for the future is that apart from being an Elderly Friendly City, Depok can be free from dementia, by always stimulating the brain to prevent dementia. Commitment and joint action are needed to overcome dementia so that the elderly can live a healthy, dignified, and meaningful life because healthy elderly people are a resource for the family and society,” said Vita.