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Conducting Research on Genetic Engineering, Student of UI Got Honorable Mention Paper in South Korea


Team of Universitas Indonesia (UI) successfully got an achievement on The 8th Conference of Indonesian Student Association in Korea (CISAK) 2015 that was held at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea, on September 5th to 6th 2015. The event that was the idea of Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Korea (PERPIKA) or association of Indonesian students in South Korea, opened for Indonesian students who study either in Indonesia or overseas, especially in South Korea.  The aim of this event is to create interaction and discussion between them in order to enhance science and technology and also health status of Indonesia Society.

UI Team that was consist of student of several faculties in UI was strenghtened by two students of UI Faculty of Medicine (FKUI), who were Gede Yuda Sugiarta (student of 2012) and Robby Hertanto (student of 2013). The paper that were presented by them successfully got the Best and Honorable Mention Paper title after a series of review and appraisal that had been done by jury of health subject from famous universities in South Korea.

On his e-mail, Gede Yuda Sugiarta told public relation of FKUI about his experience during the event. He explained that his research paper that were participated in CISAK 2015 was the improvement of the previous research that had been done by them before for International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM) in Boston, USA, in 2014. In that 2014 event, Sugiarta and Hertanto, together with Siska Yuliana Sari (Biology 2011), Anggoro Wiseso (Bioprocess Engineering 2012), Etria Dian Kamila (Bioprocess Engineering 2012), Diana Christina (Bioprocess Engineering 2013), and Vanessa Geraldine (Chemical Engineering 2013) successfully got gold medal after defeated more than 200 teams from various world’s famous universities. The improvement that he did for CISAK 2015 participation was by changing the research into journal article form.

CISAK 2015 competed 83 research papers from hundreds paper that were submitted, that was then divided them into two categories, that was poster and oral presentation. UI team was registered for oral presentation. Genetic engineering principle that was researched by them in order to solve health problems became a positive value for their research topic. In the future, this medical application hopefully can be used so that conventional medication principle will no longer be used. The outline of the UI Team research is about how to make recombinant plasmid that degrade polysaccharides on biofilm bacteria. In conducting the research, they got guidance from Dr. dr. Budiman Bela, SpMK(K) from FKUI an Dr. Muhamad Sahlan, S.Si, M.Eng from Engineering Faculty of UI.

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