The Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia (FD UI) participated in the “UI Investment & Start Up Forum 2022” event to introduce the results of innovative products that have gone through research tests, publications, and obtained Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). In this forum, FKG UI presents three superior innovation products which are expected to be a solution in overcoming the problem of dental caries. Dean of FD UI Dr. drg. Nia Ayu Ismaniati, MDSc.,Sp.Ort(K) came online to present the innovative product.
In front of investors, the FKG dean promoted the three superior innovation products of FKG UI, namely DNA Vaccine and Egg Yolk IGY (Vaccine and Mouthwash to Prevent Dental Caries) with the inventor Prof. drg. Endang Winiati Bachtiar, M. Biomed., Ph.D., PBO., and team. This vaccine is a DNA vaccine construction called pcDNA-ComD, which is made through DNA engineering cloning techniques. This vaccine carries the DNA sequence of the ComD Virulent Gene from caries-causing bacteria that plays a role in the adhesion of bacteria to the surface of the teeth undergoing the caries process.
Then, the ComD gene was obtained by DNA amplification using PCR. The PCR results were inserted into the PCDNA3.1 cloning vector to produce a DNA vaccine. Then, it is cultured on E. coli bacteria to obtain a DNA vaccine which will be immunized in chickens to egg yolks in order to produce egg yolks containing antibodies, Anti Streptococcus Mutans, which is called IGY egg yolk preventing dental caries. Then IGY Egg Yolk which prevents caries is mixed into the mouthwash and successfully inhibits the formation of dental plaque. This vaccination can be used 3 (three) times, and can be given from children (except toddlers) to adults.
The next superior product is Flolis (Fluoride Propolis to Prevent Enamel and Dentin Caries) with the inventor Prof. drg. Risqa Rina Darwita, Ph.D.; drg. Sri Angky Soekanto, Ph.D.; drg. Melissa Adiatman, Ph.D.; and the FE UI Team. This flolis is useful for preventing enamel and dentin caries, in the form of an ointment. To use it, you can check first by a dentist and then prepare a microbrush, cottonroll, plastic container, and cotton pellet. Then drip Flolis 3 times on the plastic container that has been provided, clean the carious dentin surface until a hard tissue is found, block saliva from the buccal surface and lingual / palatal surface then dry the caries surface with a cotton pellet using tweezers and apply Flolis with a microbrush on the entire surface of the dried carious dentin and enamel. Patients are prohibited from eating and drinking for 30 minutes after the application is complete.
The last product, namely the Light Curing Unit, with the inventor Prof. Dr. Decky Joesiana Indrani, drg., M.DSc. and team. This Light Curing Unit is a light based polymerization device. The workings of this tool is by emitting a blue LED light through a fiber optic light which is directed to the resin composite filling material to initiate the chemical process of hardening the material. This tool is equipped with a microcontroller and a printed circuit board (pcb). The research team has produced a method of making PCBs with light emitting software, the novelty of which is the use of pulse width modulation to reduce heat generation from high-radiation irradiation.
In the presentation, it was conveyed that FD UI is always committed to encouraging researchers to develop various innovations as a concrete manifestation of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education by referring to the policy of the Universitas Indonesia, which is to produce research that is able to provide social and economic impacts based on 17 aspects. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to support the government in realizing Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Of Education, Peace, Justice and strong institutions & Partnership For The Goals.
“FD UI’s superior dental caries treatment product is a real solution in front of our eyes, for that we invite investors to collaborate and work together so that the results of this innovative product can be developed professionally so that its benefits can contribute to advancing the field of dental and oral health in Indonesia,” Nia Ayu said when closing the presentation session.
Manager of Research and Community Service FKG UI, drg. Benso Sulijaya, Sp.Perio(K).,Ph.D positively welcomed the 2022 UI Investment & Start Up Forum activity. At least the results of the innovations produced can be published properly, as well as being a liaison between inventors and investors and can be a motivation for researchers for the development of various other innovations. In addition, there is great hope that the superior product offered by FKG UI can be used to realize caries-free Indonesia by 2030.
Meanwhile, UI Vice Rector for Human Resources & Assets, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA. appreciate the various innovations developed by faculties and institutions in the UI environment including the work of FD UI researchers. In addition, UI Investment & Start Up activities are expected to increase research collaboration and community service with domestic and foreign institutional investors, then as an effort to accommodate the downstream needs of health product innovations. This was conveyed when opening the UI Investment & Start Up Forum 2022 Event, on April 7, 2022.