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Downstreaming of Cosmetic Dermatology Innovations Supports the Strengthening of Domestic Component Level Policies


In her inauguration speech as Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FKUI) this morning (Saturday, 18/03) at the IMERI Hall, FKUI Salemba Campus, Central Jakarta, Prof. Dr. dr. Irma Bernadette T. Simbolon Sitohang, Sp.KK(K)., discussed the role of cosmetic dermatology in generating innovation and trying to lead research results to pursue downstreaming and commercialization. “The world needs continuous innovation, including innovation to improve the quality of life. Every innovation does not always change the world, but every innovation always makes a difference,” said Prof. Irma, explaining her research entitled “Hilirisasi Inovasi Dermatologi Kosmetik Mendukung Penguatan Kebijakan Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri“.

Based on data from the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM), in the last five years, from 2017 to 2022, cosmetic products contributed the largest number in the top five product categories that received distribution permit approval, with the number of 435,034 products. Data on cosmetic products that were notified as of February 13, 2023, were Imported Cosmetics totaling 80,485 products, and Domestic (Local) Cosmetics totaling 150,553.20.

From these data, Prof. Irma said that there are still many opportunities for Indonesia to produce dermocosmetics or even cosmetics, from natural ingredients or ingredients with domestic components and not imported ingredients that can be given as adjuvant therapy in general cosmetic dermatology cases.

In accordance with Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 2 of 2022 on the Acceleration of Increasing the Use of Domestic Products and Products of Micro, Small Enterprises, and Cooperatives in the Context of Succeeding in Bangga Buatan Indonesia National Movement in the Implementation of Provision of Goods/Services, the government states that we are encouraged to produce domestic industrial products with the increasing domestic component levels.

“The movement to support government regulations to strengthen the level of domestic components cannot stand alone. There must be further research which cannot only be carried out in faculties or study programs. It must work hand in hand with industry, be encouraged by the government, and be assisted by society and the mass media,” said Prof. Irma in her inauguration speech as Professor of Dermatology and Venereology at FKUI.

She added, in the future, the triple helix cooperation will grow into a penta helix or n-helix involving n-stakeholders (universities, industry, government, society, individuals). Community groups (both individuals/philanthropy and non-profit community organizations) have an important role in encouraging new innovations. Through triple helix collaboration, research or knowledge produced by universities is applied in the industrial world. Universities are encouraged to be responsive to industry needs and government policies.

The professor inauguration procession was led directly by UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro, SE, MA, Ph.D., and broadcast virtually via Universitas Indonesia and UI Teve YouTube channels. The inauguration was attended by the CEO of Citibank, Batara Sianturi; and Director of Government Affairs, PricewaterhouseCooper, Daniel Rembeth. Professors from several other universities were also present on the occasion, including Prof. Dr. ing. Ir. Benhard Sitohang (School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung); Prof. Dr. dr. Anis Irawan Anwar, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV (Universitas Hasanuddin); Prof. Dr. Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, dr., Sp.KK(K) (Universitas Airlangga); Prof. Dr. dr. Nelva K. Jusuf, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV (Universitas Sumatra Utara); Prof. dr. Theresia L. Toruan SpKK, Subsp. O.B.K. (Universitas Sriwijaya); and Prof. Dr. dr. Kurnia Fitri Jamil, M.Kes, SpPD, KPTI, FINASIM (Universitas Syaih Kuala).

Prof. Irma successfully completed her undergraduate studies at FKUI, in 1991. Still at the same campus, Prof. Irma earned the title of Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology in 2002. Then, in 2012, she continued her education at the Cosmetic Dermatology Consultant, Indonesian Collegium of Dermatology and Venereology. Then, in 2016, she obtained her doctoral degree in Medicine from FKUI.

In the last two years, several scientific papers written by Prof. Irma have been published, including Acne scars topical treatment: Endolift® direct optical energy using 1470-nm wavelength Eufoton® LASEmaR® 1500 (2023), Topical tretinoin for treating photoaging: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials (2022), Fractional carbon dioxide laser for treating hypertrophic scars: A systematic review of randomized trials (2022), Papulopustular and ocular rosacea with an alleged coincidence of cutaneous lupus erythematosus: A case report (2021), and Evaluation of modified melasma area and severity index in hyperthyroid patients receiving anti-thyroid drugs (2021).

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