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Engineering UI Students Won 2 Awards at the 2024 ITB Civil Engineering (ICEE) Civil Engineering Tender Competition

The Makara Prakarsa Team, which consists of three students bacth 2020 from the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia won Second Place and Favorite Champion in the national Civil Engineering Tender Competition ITB Civil Engineering Expo (ICEE) 2024. This competition was organized by ITB from November–February 2024, and was attended by 52 teams from various universities in Indonesia.

Khrisna Primaputra, Raisya Amru Adzhani, and Fadlan Raihan Utama under the guidance of UI lecturer, Dr. Rossy Armyn Machfudiyanto, S.T., M.T., IPM, ASEAN Eng. conveyed his ideas regarding paddock construction at the Mandalika International Circuit, with the title “Lean Construction Based Mandalika GP Circuit Paddock Construction Project Offering”. This idea has the advantage of a project construction duration that only takes 23 days and lower construction costs of up to 24 billion rupiah. “Normally this project costs 115 billion rupiah with a duration of 60 days,” said Khrisna on behalf of the team.

Khrisna said, “In modular construction work on the Mandalika GP Circuit Paddock Construction Project, the Prakarsa Makara team presented innovations using lean construction principles, such as the Last Planner System (LPS) and Pull Technique. By using these two techniques, we can reduce waste in projects and increase targeted value. “The team is also adapting the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the construction industry with PATRIOT (Internet of Things Transformation Initiative) which will simplify digital-based communication and project management.”

Dean of Faculty of Engineering UI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., expressed his appreciation for the achievements of UI students, “The ideas of these students are not only outstanding in their creativity, but also their ability to apply Lean Construction principles to achieve time and cost efficiency. “Hopefully, this achievement will motivate other students to continue to develop their potential and contribute positively to the world of civil engineering.”

ICEE is a forum for student collaboration to develop themselves through a series of events related to technical issues. This activity, which is held annually, presents expos, conferences, and seminars and presents participants from various universities in Indonesia.

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