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Enhancing the Role of the Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence on Campus, UI Received a Visit from Universitas Riau

In developing programs to prevent and deal with sexual violence on campus, Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a visit from Universitas Riau (UNRI), on Wednesday (15/2). During the visit, the Chairperson of the Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (Satgas PPKS) UI Prof. Manneke Budiman, S.S., M.A., Ph.D. welcomed Satgas PPKS UNRI chaired by Dr. Separen, M.H.

“This visit is expected to be an educational event and exchange of experiences between Satgas PPKS UNRI and Satgas PPKS UI. What is expected from this meeting is definitely discussing effective steps (to prevent and handle sexual violence) and also sharing experiences with one another in efforts to reduce and stop the occurrence of sexual violence cases,” said Prof. Manneke. He added that UI would be firm against perpetrators of sexual violence on campus. According to him, if the punishment for perpetrators of sexual violence is not harsh and firm, the victims and cases of sexual violence on campus will continue to increase.

Currently, he further conveyed, UI already has a sexual violence prevention response service called Hope Helps UI. With Hope Helps UI, it is hoped that it will be able to overcome the problem of sexual violence in the UI campus environment. The Hope Helps UI service also helps the victims at UI to get guidance and support after experiencing sexual violence.

“In the future, we can educate students and also academic personnel by delivering education (regarding sexual violence) in e-learning and other education so that cases of sexual violence can be reduced,” said Prof. Manneke.

Strict sanction or punishment for perpetrators of sexual violence is one of the keys to deterring the perpetrators. In addition, victims of sexual violence must also report the incident to reduce the increase in the number of sexual violence on campus.

“With such education for the campus community, there is definitely no reason not to know about sexual violence and what constitutes sexual violence. In fact, sexual violence is not only in the form of physical or verbal but also in the form of non-verbal actions, such as words through social media or chat and so on,” said Prof. Manneke.

Apart from Prof. Manneke, the meeting was also attended by Head of the Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure Bureau Dra.Amelita Lusia, M.Sc., as well as members of the Satgas PPKS UI. Meanwhile, delegates from UNRI party who were present were the Division of Assistance and Protection of Satgas PPKS Team, Khairiyah Khadijah, S.Pd., M.Pd.; Secretary of Satgas PPKS Team, Khairiyyah, S.Pd .; and the Division of Administrative Sanctions Charge and Recovery of Victims of Satgas PPKS Team, Dwi Rahman Suhada.

Author: Reza R| Editor: Finda Salsabila/Maudisha AR

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