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Expanding Access to Education, UI Participated in the World Education Expo Indonesia 2023

World Education Expo (WEE) Indonesia is an annual education expo, which acts as a gateway for institutions around the world to meet face-to-face with Indonesian students who wish to pursue higher education. This event was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Indonesia and various overseas education centers. This activity was held from February 24, 2023 to March 3, 2023 in five major cities in Indonesia, which are Bandung, Jakarta, Makassar, Manado, and Balikpapan by inviting more than 1,000 institutions, including Universitas Indonesia (UI).

The Project Manager for UI from the Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure Bureau UI, Rini Febriani, said that the enthusiasm of students at the exhibition was supported by the direct presence of student representatives from UI Ambassadors to help answer questions about the faculty and campus life of UI students, especially changes in the admission tracks into the university. Currently, UI continuously makes efforts to optimize the use of social media communication technology to reach an even distribution of information about UI to students, teachers, and parents in Indonesia. At the Indonesia World Education Expo (WEE) activities, UI also introduced International Class Programs in collaboration with the best universities abroad with fields of study that are relevant to the international or global world, including Single Degree and Double Degree.

“Universitas Indonesia in carrying out its vision and mission, especially in providing broad and fair access, as well as good quality education and teaching; want people from all walks of life to get the same information and opportunity to be able to study at UI. Through this information distribution effort, we are trying to convey information regarding UI as widely and as much as possible to the public in various regions. We aim to get our best prospective students throughout Indonesia.” said Rini.

Further information about the Academic Programs, Scholarships, and UI Admission Tracks can be seen at the link and

Author: Giany Allysia Putri | Editor: Maudisha AR

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