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Expanding Roles in Various Fields as a Form of UI’s Service for National Independence

“I hope Universitas Indonesia becomes the forefront of educational institution, which is committed to becoming a center of superior science, technology and culture. Hopefully UI can continue to contribute to the independence of the nation, especially in the field of health, both pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and other aspects,” said Ir. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CHFC, CLU, Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, at the 72nd Anniversary of Universitas Indonesia (UI).

UI’s concentration on health aims to protect UI citizens and the general public from the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic, which has a wide impact on all sectors, is expected to be overcome by various innovations made by UI academics, said Budi Gunadi on Tuesday (22/02).

At more than seven decades old, UI continues to push itself to improve its position with the target of reaching the top 5 in Southeast Asia, and on a global scale is respected because it has a significant role in various fields. Efforts to realize this are shown through education, research and innovation, as well as contributions made by UI academics.

If you look at the history of its establishment, UI is an educational institution in the health sector. In 1849 the Dutch colonial government built a medical college called Dokter-Djawa School. In the late 19th century, Dokter-Djawa School changed its name to School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen, known as STOVIA. It was this high school that became the forerunner of UI.

In order to expand its role in the health sector, on the commemoration of the 72nd Anniversary with the theme “UI Serves for National Independence”, Universitas Indonesia (UI) inaugurated the UI Salemba Satellite Clinic as a manifestation of UI’s concern for public health. The inauguration was conducted by UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D. during UI’s 72nd anniversary.

On that occasion, Prof. Ari expressed his gratitude to the doctors and all UI medical personnel who have made real contributions during the pandemic, both at UI Hospital, Depok Satellite Clinic, Salemba Satellite Clinic, and those who went to serve the community. According to Prof. Ari, all forms of contributions made by UI-according to the competence in their respective scientific fields-affirm UI’s commitment to continue to produce superior, dignified, independent, and tolerant generations.

Efforts to protect the health of UI citizens and the general public from the Covid-19 pandemic are also carried out by implementing an online learning system for students and lecturers. MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) developed by UI answers this challenge. With the online learning system, students are expected to continue to get the best quality education to create a generation that can compete in the global arena. This also answers the expectations of the Minister of Industry, Dr. Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, M.Si., who wants a young generation capable of developing industry in Indonesia.

“We need the support of quality human resources for the advancement of the industry in Indonesia. As a forum for producing quality human resources, we hope that UI can synergize and work together to provide input on policies that build the country. UI has produced students who are able to compete and contribute to the nation and state, as well as produce many scholars, professionals, activists, and graduates who play roles in government as well as non-government,” said Dr. Agus.

UI’s role is not only limited to the academic field, but also carries out the Tridharma of Higher Education which includes education and teaching, research and development, and community service. For this achievement, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P. expressed his gratitude.

“On behalf of the government, I thank you very much. The number 72 years for college history is a very young age. Therefore, UI will definitely continue to grow and develop and contribute to realizing the independence of the nation. UI will continue to produce big names who will become determinants and recipients of the baton of national leadership. Happy 72nd Anniversary of UI, long live Universitas Indonesia,” said Prof. Muhadjir.

To become one of the best universities in Indonesia, UI has a long way to go. Until now, UI has managed to graduated around 400,000 alumni as proof of UI’s continuity in providing a role for the progress of the Indonesian nation. According to the Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, BRIN), Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko, M.Sc., UI is not only a pioneer, but also a catalyst in producing superior human resources and talents.

UI’s vision as a center of science, technology, and culture in an effort to educate the nation is in line with BRIN’s goals. BRIN, as an umbrella for national research activities and a catalyst for innovation, shares the same DNA as UI: modern, comprehensive, and covering a wide range of disciplines.

“We give our highest appreciation to UI’s achievements as a research university through this 72nd Anniversary. We are proud to say congratulations to UI. We hope that UI will continue to be a university that always gives color to the nation’s journey. The challenges will certainly be tougher, but we believe the collaboration between us will be even stronger in facing the future. Congratulations on serving the independence of the nation, UI,” said Dr. Like.

At the 72nd Anniversary, UI also gave awards to the academic community and UI residents who contributed to the effort to serve the nation’s independence, which was conveyed by the Secretary of Universitas Indonesia, dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., as well as the academic and student awards given by the UI Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris.


Writer: Sapuroh For more information refer to:

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