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Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia Holds Scientific Writing Training Ahead of the International Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems

The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) held a scientific writing training (coaching clinic) ahead of The 14th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) and The 7th International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS) which were held on 1–3 October 2022. This activity aims to facilitate prospective ICACSIS and IWBIS participants who are undergoing the process of preparing scientific papers so that their writings are worthy of publication.

ICACSIS is the largest international conference in the field of computer science and information systems in Indonesia, which brings together scientists, researchers, professionals, and experts from within and outside the country to demonstrate the latest technological developments and innovations. In the previous event, in addition to the presentation of scientific works, there was a focus group discussion discussing trends in defense technology, cyber security, and health informatics. The activity was attended by more than 500 participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Taiwan, Japan, France, Italy, and the United States.

The scientific writing training event for ICACSIS and IWBIS was held virtually, on Tuesday (12/7). Present at the event were three presenters from Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia, namely Adila Krisnadhi, Ph.D.; Dr. R. Yugo K. Isal; and Dr. Panca Hadi Putra. The three highlight research results in the fields of data science, artificial intelligence, health informatics, and e-learning. According to Dr. Five, these four topics represent emerging themes of research in the field of computer science and information systems during the pandemic. “Through these topics, we hope that participants can understand some examples of research designs that can address current issues that are developing in global and local communities,” said Dr. Panca

In that meeting, Dr. Adila gives tips so that writing can be accepted and presented at ICACSIS and IWBIS events. First, participants must understand the function of writing so that the points written are on target. Second, participants must pay attention to the details of writing, including things that need and don’t need to be written down. This is done to avoid ineffective writing and incoherence of information.

There are two functions of writing emphasized by Dr. Adila. First, writing is a medium of information so that the language used must be adapted to the audience. Second, writing serves to document the approach used in investigating the problem so that the information contained must be proven. “Sometimes we forget that this article is also read by people outside the field of Computer Science and Information Systems. In fact, language is an important factor in receiving information. Therefore, we must use clear and concise language so that the message is well received by the readers,” said Dr. Adila

Sentences in scientific papers must be effective and the format of writing must be adjusted to the purpose of the work. Scientific writing contains titles, abstracts, introductions, research methods, research results, discussions, related works (previous research), and conclusions. There are three types of titles in scientific writing, namely indicative (showing the research area), informative (in the form of sentences covering the domain and results of the study), and questions (to attract the attention of the reader). Participants are free to choose any format as long as the title of the work is clear. Abstract is a summary of the entire paper so it must cover the objectives, results, and impacts. A good indicator of an abstract is that the reader gets an overall picture of the research which includes the background, methods, and results of the research. The background in the introduction contains the motivation related to the problem being solved and the reasons for choosing the topic. This also answers the objectives and contributions of related research.

The methodology used must be presented in detail so that the research can be proven and continued. The attached data are not only included, but must be used and referenced in research. In the discussion section, research results must be interpreted so that contributions and novelties are known when compared to previous research. Finally, the conclusion section should explicitly answer the research questions mentioned at the beginning of the paper.

“In literature studies there are important things that must be considered. They are comparison, contrasting, synthetizing, and summarization. Compare means to compare previous research to get the latest research with the best results. Meanwhile, the contrast is choosing research with the best methods and results as a comparison. Instead of listing five studies with less in-depth results, it is better to choose one study with solid results. Research must be conducted objectively so that the results can be tested and proven by other studies,” said Dr. Yugo in his explanation.

Research containing new contributions on theory, methodology, and practical applications in the field of computer science and information systems is certainly needed by today’s society. Therefore, Fasilkom UI invites researchers and academics to present their scientific works at ICACSIS and IWIBIS 2022 which will be held virtually. Detailed information regarding this conference can be found on the website and

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