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Faculty of Engineering and SUCOFINDO Collaborate to Improve Excellent HR Quality

Depok, July 25th 2023. The educational collaboration of the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Universitas Indonesia (UI) continues to be expanded. This time, FTUI collaborated with PT Superintending Company of Indonesia (Sucofindo). This collaboration was marked by the signing of a cooperation agreement by the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, and PT Sucofindo Human Resources Director, J. Nanang Marjianto. The signing was carried out last Monday (17/7), coinciding with the 59th Anniversary (Dies Natalis) of FTUI.

Prof. Heri revealed that this collaboration was one of the efforts to develop the quality of human resources (HR) and strengthen connections between the industrial and academic worlds. “I believe this educational cooperation agreement will have a significant positive impact on both parties. This is a step forward in strengthening the quality of education, increasing the competence of Sucofindo employees, and creating a mutually beneficial relationship between FTUI and Sucofindo,” said Prof. Heri.

In line with FTUI’s mission to create engineering graduates who are highly intellectual and able to compete globally, through this collaboration, PT Sucofindo employees have the opportunity to continue their education to the Masters level at FTUI. As a start of the collaboration, two PT Sucofindo employees, namely Zia Ru’yadi Hilal and Bayu Sukma, will receive postgraduate education scholarships at FTUI with full funding from PT Sucofindo. Both are registered as Master of Environmental Engineering students, Department of Civil Engineering, FTUI.

Related to this, J. Nanang Marjianto said, “This is a valuable opportunity for them to broaden their knowledge and develop special skills. They can deepen their understanding in fields that are relevant to the industry they are in.”

Going forward, this collaboration will strengthen connectivity between FTUI and Sucofindo. This allows for the exchange of relevant knowledge and information, as well as the development of research collaborations and joint projects in the future. It is hoped that this collaboration can be a successful example of collaboration between universities and industry in supporting the development of quality human resources and able to answer industry needs.

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