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Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia Opens Engineer Professional Program for Past Learning Recognition (RPL)

Universitas Indonesia (UI) as the best State University in Indonesia organizes the Professional Engineer Program (PPI) based on Law Number 11 of 2014 concerning Engineering. PPI is the embodiment of the government’s mandate to universities to help accelerate the creation of Indonesian engineers who are independent, responsible, and have professional ethics and qualifications according to certification standards.

According to data from the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII), currently the number of engineers in Indonesia has reached 1 million people. Of these, only around 10,000 are professional engineers or have competency certificates. Meanwhile, in facing the era of global industrialization and the Asean Economic Community (AEC), the current government continues to boost infrastructure development so that the need for professional engineers is becoming increasingly urgent.

The Dean of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU, said, “To support the implementation of Law no. 11 of 2014, the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) opened the Professional Engineer Program (PPI) for the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL). In the future, the PPI RPL program will complement the Regular PPI class which was opened in 2018. This PPI RPL class can shorten and make it easier to obtain an Engineer degree for graduates who have more than five years of experience, so there is no need to follow the regular program for one year. , but only one semester based on his portfolio of experience.”

“Law No. 11 of 2014 in the future requires all Engineering Bachelors who work in the field of engineering to have an Engineer Registration Certificate (STRI). Those who have not been certified will receive administrative sanctions, ranging from warnings, termination of engineering activities to fines. Meanwhile, to obtain a professional degree in Engineer, one must graduate from the Professional Engineer Program organized by universities in collaboration with relevant ministries and PII,” said Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, DEA., Head of the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia which oversees PPI Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia.

PPI pathway for Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) is a formal education program that uses work experience as the basis for continuing education for equality with certain qualifications. The Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia opens PPI type A RPL pathway where students will get a professional engineer diploma from the University of Indonesia when they graduate.

In the PPI regular program, prospective students are graduates of an engineering degree program with a minimum of two years of experience. However, prospective students of the PPI RPL program must have a minimum of five years of work experience, have been involved in at least four projects, have experience in attending seminars, and be a member of national or international professional organizations. If prospective students meet these requirements, they can take part in RPL professional education. If not, prospective students can follow the regular path.

“Besides that, another difference between the regular route and the RPL is in the education period. Regular track students take part in academic activities for two semesters, the first semester of lectures weighs 10 credits, and the second semester carries out seminars and engineering practice with a weight of 14 credits. Meanwhile, RPL students only participate in academic activities for one semester that pay attention to equalizing their experience with a weight of 24 credits, “said Prof. Widodo related to the differences between the two paths.

Currently, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia manages 13 study programs for undergraduate programs, 2 professional programs for architects and engineers, 12 master study programs and 7 doctoral study programs. Prospective students can start registering for the RPL Pathway Engineer Professional Program at SIMAK UI wave 2 which will open registration on 12 May – 13 June 2022. A more complete explanation regarding the FTUI PPI program can be seen at Registration for SIMAK UI can be done at the link

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