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Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia wins EUREKA Insitute Technology Bandung (ITB) 2022

The best achievement was again achieved by students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI), through a Physics Department students who took home the winner title of EUREKA ITB 2022 (college olympiad category). This was announced online on 27 March 2022 after the EUREKA Series-3 activity.

The achievement was obtained after Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UI excelled over the host (Institute Technology Bandund through the acquisition of 3 (three) championship titles, 1st place by Ahmad Arsy, followed by M. ‘Anin Nabail ‘Azhiim as 2nd place, and Faris Ramadhantyo Darmawan in 5th place. The other two contingents, M. Fauzan Syahbana, and Jovan Alfian Djaja managed to reach the semifinal stage.

These sweet steps could not be separated from the guidance from M. Aziz Majidi, Ph.D., who was assisted by Dr. Adam Badra Cahaya, who is a lecturer at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science UI (FMIPA UI) with expertise in Condensed Matter Theoretical Physics. Under the direction of the supervisor, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UI student contingent practiced and prepared well to be able to solve physics problems that challenged logic and tested the coherence of the mindset.

“This is important, because in the final round, participants are challenged to work on open problems, conduct case studies, to prove their ability to apply physics in real life,” said Dr. Aziz.

Arsy admitted that the open problem in the final was indeed the most difficult challenge. According to him, for open problems, each individual participant is required to explore critical thinking skills in order to generate new ideas as solutions in solving a problem.

“So the question was that participants were asked to review two methods of storing Qubits. Method 1 of the stored qubit uses a combination of static electric and magnetic fields, while method 2 uses only time-dependent electric fields. From these two methods, it is asked to consider the movement of the particles, their stability, and the conditions for the value of k at their potential. There are two ways to review this issue, namely classically and quantitatively,” said Arsy explaining the challenges of the final stage.

The idea, said Arsy, was then presented to the jury through presentation materials. “Furthermore, each participant must present his answer in front of the jury by way of presentation,” he said.

Dede Djuhana, Ph.D., as the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UI is proud and gives appreciation to the supervisors and the three students for the achievements that have been achieved. He said that careful preparation, hard work, and the role of mentors, plus the support of other related parties were the keys to success that led FMIPA UI to achieve the overall title.

Alhamdulillah, the results are optimal. We really appreciate it, especially for students, supervisors, as well as related parties, both families and companions who have jointly provided encouragement and enthusiasm to arrive at this overall winner,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UI.

EUREKA ITB is an annual national event organized by the Semi-Autonomous Body of EUREKA ITB under the Physics Student Association of ITB since 2016. Referring to the big theme “Physics: Creative Ways to Deal with Current Issues”, the material being competed consists of Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Fields , Quantum Physics, Statistical Physics, and Vibration and Waves.

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