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“The pandemic period has made the transition from face-to-face activities to online activities that have an impact on many sectors, including Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). MSME actors are required to be able to adapt to digital platforms to maintain business continuity. Therefore, the emergence of the need for digital training for MSME actors was swiftly responded by Kominfo through the Digital Entrepreneurship Academy (DEA) program,” said Riza Azmi as the coordinator of the DEA program. This statement was made by Azmi at the “Training of Trainers on the Basics of Digital Entrepreneurship” which was held at Hotel Santika BSD City Serpong, April 6-8.

This seminar is a collaboration between the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) and the Agency for Research and Development of Human Resources – Center for Research and Development of Resources and Equipment for Post and Information Technology Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, Kominfo).

FEB UI teaching staff, Dr. Rambat Lupiyoadi, as the head of the curriculum development team who became the master trainer of the event, said the training modules given to prospective trainers were materials related to digital entrepreneurship for MSME actors to be ready to adapt during the pandemic. The curriculum for the basics of digital entrepreneurship covers the urgency of entrepreneurship and digitization in MSMEs. This module is intended as a bridge so that training participants—MSME actors—understand the importance of using digital platforms/media to support business development.

In addition to Rambat Lupiyoadi, the Training of Trainers who have entered the 4th batch are also assisted by the Head of the Sub-Directorate for Strategic Project Cooperation, UI Cooperation Directorate, Aswin Dewanto Hadisumarto, S.E., M.I.A., as well as FEB UI teaching staff, including Hapsari Setyowardhani, S.E., M.M. and Adi Waskito, S.E., M.M., CFP. Other master trainers who participated in providing the training, namely Anna Amaliah and Junior Eka Putro. The FEB UI Digital Entrepreneurship Basics Training of Trainer which was held offline was attended by 69 participants by implementing strict health protocols.

The topics discussed at this event include the entrepreneurial mindset, digital adoption for business, business model design, digital marketing canvas, the use of social media for marketing, marketing content creation and online stores, to the introduction of Google business, websites and search engine optimization (SEO). .

Through the implementation of this seminar, the DEA Kominfo program is expected to be able to provide the best quality training to participants who are beneficiaries of this program through trained instructors. “With the Training of Trainers, we want to facilitate the best instructors to train MSME human resources so that they can improve digital skills which will later support their business progress optimally,” said Azmi at the end of the event.


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