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FEB UI Opened Capital Market Management Study

mmThe significant growth of capital market industry has risen the interest to invest in Indonesia. Seeing  these potential, Universitas Indonesia (UI) by Master of Management Study Program from Faculty of Economics and Business (MM-FEB) has cooperated with The Association of Capital Market Education in Indonesia (P3MI), Indonesia Stock Exchange Ltd. (BEI) together with Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia Ltd. and Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia Ltd. (KSEI) and also supported by Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK), in order to prepare the professionals who are competent and reliable on capital market sector.

As one of the effort to develop education on the capital market management and as the educational institution who has capital market management study, MM-FEB UI has cooperated with Melbourne Business School, Melbourne University, Australia (MBS) by signing the cooperation agreement by the Dean of FEB UI, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, Ph.D., and the Associate Dean (International Relations) of MBS, Prof. Ian O. Willliamson, Ph.D. on Friday, March 20th 2015 at BEI Galery, Jakarta.

This event was attended by Chief Executive of Capital Market Controller of OJK, Ir.Nurhaida MBA, Vice Rector of UI, Prof. Dr. Adi Zakaria Afiff, Board Directors of BEI, Director of KPEI, Director of KSEI, Leaders of UI, FEB-UI and MM-UI, also Representative of Association of Indonesia Stock Cooperations (APEI) and Association of Indonesia Custodian Bank (ABKI). On this event, there was also panel discussion themed “Professionalism of Capital Market Personnel in Facing Global Challenge” with the speakers was Dean of FEB-UI, Associate Dean of MBS, and Director of Development of BEI, Friderica Widyasari Dewi.

By signing the cooperation agreement, MBS officially became foreign affairs partner of MM-FEB UI on running the education Capital Market Management. The presence of this capital market management study that is supported by the foreign affairs partner and high-credibility capital market institutions, is expected to be able to fulfill the needs of licensed professionals on Indonesia capital market. Those professional is also expected to be able to response the dynamic and challenge of capital market industry in Indonesia in order to support the economic growth of Indonesia consistently. Development of the capital market study curriculum is based on international curriculum so that the global capital market issues can also be learned by the students of MM-FEB UI. (Humas UI)

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