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FH UI-Microsoft Indonesia Introduce Policy Brief for Indonesia Cyber Safety and Resilience

The existence of cyber security and resilience has been one of the discussions at the G20 since several years ago. Cyber ​​security and resilience are the main foundations of the process of digitizing community activities, including economic activities. This condition is increasingly important considering the fact that internet users in Indonesia has reached 204.7 million people, making Indonesia the fourth largest internet user in the world.

beside the fantastic number of internet users, internet users in Indonesia also spend an average of about 8 hours per day. This condition is a cause for concern because BSSN found that there were more than 1 billion of traffic anomalies or cyber incidents that occurred in Indonesia. The number of cyber incidents points out to the potential for enormous losses that reach around IDR 500 trillion.

With reference to these conditions, the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia (FH UI) together with Microsoft Indonesia made the Indonesian Cyber ​​Security and Resilience Policy Paper. This policy paper has a broad perspective because it does not only come from the theoretical opinions of academics, but also contains a discussion of concrete problems that occur in the community. Cyber ​​security and resilience issues in Indonesia in the digitalization process, especially those related to the digital economy, are also discussed in this policy paper.

In the event “Dissemination of Indonesian Cyber ​​Security and Resilience Policy Paper”, on Thursday (30/6), the Dean of Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Edmon Makarim, S.Kom., S.H., LL.M., said that the existence of this policy paper is evidence of Faculty of Law UI’s contribution to the nation’s problems. Through the dissemination of this study, with adequate cyber security and resilience, smooth digitalization will encourage progress in society, including in the economic field, as well as digitally defend the nation’s sovereignty.

“On the way to the 100 years of Higher Legal Education in Indonesia, which is celebrated as the anniversary of the Universitas Indonesia’s Faculty of Law, of course Faculty of Law UI always strives to contribute to the nation through the formation of laws and policies by exploring its values ​​and needs. Of course, the cyber security aspect is something that we need to contemplate together because it is related to the existence and sovereignty of the nation,” said Dr. Edmon.

Representative of the Research Team, Dr. Abdul Salam, S.H., M.H., said the Indonesian Cyber ​​Security and Resilience Policy Paper prepared by his team aims to increase public awareness about cyber, protect individual privacy, accommodate cooperation between countries for transnational cyber problems, create standards for the use of information technology, and provide legal certainty. .

There are several policy recommendations given by the research team to address Indonesia’s cyber security and resilience issues. First, a clear policy regarding legal authenticity by taking into account the aspects of confidentiality, integrity, authorization, authenticity, and non-repudiation. Second, policies are needed that accommodate or overcome problems related to cyber security and resilience, as well as provide legal certainty, such as in the Cyber ​​Security and Resilience act and the Personal Data Protection act.

In addition, a national cyber security strategy is required; policies on national cryptography regulated by the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN); and the active role of government, industry, society, and academia to jointly formulate solutions to problems of cyber security and resilience. The government must also form policies according to the purpose of protecting against cyber security and resilience and paying special attention to the protection of consumer data which is very vulnerable to misuse.

“The government also needs to make technical regulations in the form of technical guidelines and implementation instructions as a form of detailed description related to the implementation of standard standards and increase its involvement in international policy making considering the large number of internet users in Indonesia,” said Dr. Abdul Salam in his explanation.

The collaboration between Faculty of Law UI and Microsoft Indonesia is also supported by BSSN. Nia Wahyu as a representative of BSSN positively appreciated the policy paper made by the research team because it was in accordance with the policies related to resilience and security prepared by the BSSN. BSSN received other recommendations, such as the mainstreaming of the pentahelix approach in the making of state security and resilience policies involving the government, industry, academia, and the community.

In addition to the BSSN, Baskoro as a representative of the National Defense Institute (Lemhanas) responded to the presentation of the policy paper. According to Baskoro, the points in the policy paper produced by FH UI and Microsoft Indonesia are in line with what Lemhanas fought for when conducting a study related to the establishment of the BSSN. “We encourage the active involvement of academics to strengthen the studies that are being made by Lemhanas related to cyber security and resilience issues,” said Baskoro.

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