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FHUI Expands the Team for Community Service Program

In 2023, the Community Service and Empowerment Unit of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia (FHUI) will involve academic personnel in community service programs. Previously, the grant program of community service activities only involved lecturers and students as a team.

This year’s grant program of FHUI Community Service and Empowerment Unit will be opened for 20 grant proposals for tenured lecturers, 8 grant proposals for non-permanent lecturers, 8 grant proposals for students, and 4 grant proposals for academic personnel. This effort is made to expand the role of UI academics in society.

“This FHUI policy encourages academics to be involved in various community service activities and publication research. This year, students or academic personnel who usually take part in lecturer community service can submit their own grants. In addition, non-permanent lecturers can also participate,” said Deputy Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs Prof. M. R. Andri Gunawan Wibisana, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., at the Outreach on Grant for FHUI Community Service and Empowerment 2023, Friday (10/2).

Since 2018, the grant program of community service activities, which is open to lecturers and students, is separate from research and is facilitated, funded, and supervised by the Community Service and Empowerment Unit of FHUI. There are five scopes of issues on the community service grants agenda in the field of law, which are community services based on regulation and legal protection; community services based on partner collaboration; community services based on the environmental and animal field; community services based on women, children, families, and vulnerable groups; as well as community services based on science and technology (IPR, copyright, and so on).

Later, mandatory outputs from this program can be in the form of journal articles, pocketbooks, books, videos with a minimum duration of 10 minutes, or podcast shows. The output must have an ISBN/IPR whose certificate is attached during the final report submission process. This grant program of community service activities will take place from February to November 2023.

According to Director of the Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment (DPPM) UI Agung Waluyo, S.Kp., M.Sc., Ph.D., community service activities really have a social impact if there is a quintuple helix collaboration involving the private sector, industry, academia, community, local government, and central government. From this collaboration, it can be seen that the impact is massive, as in the Barong Landong conservation activity that was carried out in Bengkulu.

“This year, we will make improvements on quality. With efficient funding, community service locations are no longer in ten points spread across several provinces in Indonesia, but we are focusing this competition grant in the Jabodetabek area,” said Agung.

In order to expand the benefits for the community, the Community Service and Empowerment Unit of FHUI has signed a cooperation agreement with Wisnu Foundation, Legal Aid Institute of Bali Women Crisis Center, and Jaringan Ekowisata Desa in Bali. In addition to the positive impact that can be felt directly, this grant program of community service activities is also expected to increase the number of publications and citations related to knowledge in the field of law.

Author: Sasa

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