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Films by Vocational Students were Shown at CGV Cinemas

Depok, June 22nd, 2023. Big names who have been crisscrossing the film industry in Indonesia, have ‘descended from the mountains’ to evaluate works produced by students. They were Riri Riza, M.A. (producer, director, and writer); VISINEMA Team; Dian Sastrowardoyo, M.M. (actress, director, and writer); Dian Sunardi Munaf, S. Sos. (CGV Strategic Marketing & Communication Consultant); Linda Gozali (producer); Aghi Narottama (record producer and film composer); Robert Ronny (producer, director, and writer); and Talia Subandrio (professional makeup artist).

The work they evaluate is the final project of Universitas Indonesia (UI) students, specifically students of the Vocational Education Program. In Vocational Studies, the focus of teaching lies on students’ skills and competencies, such as producing films that were brought to the Promates Goes to Cinema event at Auditorium 1, CGV fX Sudirman, Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta.

This activity was carried out in collaboration with CGV Cinemas, for the screening of nine short films for the practical purposes of Fictional and Experimental Film Production courses.

It is hoped that the work of young filmmakers from the Media Production Study Program can contribute to the world of film and the film industry in Indonesia. These films are works of students that are assessed by a number of lecturers and film practitioners as a component of the Final Semester Examination (UAS) for Fictional and Experimental Film Production courses.

Three of UI’s film works that were screened last Monday (12/6), will be registered at the 2023 Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) Citra Cup for the Best Short Film category. “I am very impressed with all the films by UI Vocational Media Production students. Preparation, which includes concepts, scripts, costs, and more, was done carefully. Then, processes such as artistic planning, shooting, editing, music, and post-production have been carried out well by the students,” said Dian Sunardi.

Short films made by the aspiring young filmmaker are namely, The Untold Archive (produced by Salma Azzahra and directed by Haickal Caesar); Chic Sacrifice (produced by Keisha Mayra and directed by Michelle Kesia); By Coincidence (produced by M. Faiq Kenzie and directed by Jessenia Hayfa); Undeniable Love produced by Angelina Rose and Yoga Aditya; 17 (produced by Putri Anindya and directed by Althaf Grady); Papa Kilo (produced by Akhdan Kurniawan and directed by Fathan Anindito); One Unordinary Night (produced by Naufal Rafiandy and directed by Gibran Fuad); Burnt (produced by Rifqi Raditya and directed by Josefina K.); and Makna Kasih (produced by Wien Muhammad F. and directed by Chairunnisa).

The Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, was proud of the work produced by Media Production students under the leadership of the Head of the Media Production Study Program, Ngurah Rangga Wiwesa, M.I.Kom. “I hope that Media Production students will not stop creating. Media Production students may hopefully continue to develop through the work they produce, and make the University of Indonesia proud in the film industry,” said Padang.

The Applied Undergraduate Program (D4) in Media Production is a study program that aims to produce professional applied graduates who are expected to become creative industry players in the field of media production. The weight of teaching in the Media Production study program is focused on providing knowledge, abilities, and skills to produce creative work in the field of Media Production, both for digital content, games, animation, e-sports, NFT, advertising content, visual design, audio content, comics, films experimental, music content, photo content, streaming content, and other mass communication channels.

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