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First and Only in Indonesia, Clinical Microbiology Laboratory FKUI Received 15189 Accreditation from National Accreditation Committee

The Clinical Microbiology Laboratory (LMK) of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FKUI) has been recognized as the first and only clinical microbiology laboratory to achieve ISO 15189 in Indonesia. Clinical Microbiology plays a significant role in the prevention and control of infectious diseases by supporting diagnosis and detecting the right cause so that it can guide clinicians to carry out the correct management and not trigger antimicrobial resistance.

Until now, infectious diseases are still a global health problem. New diseases are emerging, and old ones are re-emerging, such as COVID-19 and monkey pox. The problem of antimicrobial resistance is also increasing rapidly, making it a global problem.

Since the 1960s, LMK FKUI has been trusted to provide microbiology examination services. This laboratory has experience in becoming the World Health Organization (WHO) national referral center for influenza cases.

In addition, the lab was a partner of Health Department (now Ministry of Health) of Indonesia to prevent and overcome the cholera epidemic by assisting and serving pilgrims to Saudi Arabia. LMK FKUI was also appointed as a national reference center for clinical microbiology examination by Ministry of Research and Technology in 1994.

LMK FKUI is accredited by WHO as a “WHO National HIVDR Laboratory” for antiretroviral (ARV) drug resistance testing used in HIV infection therapy. This LMK is the first laboratory established by Indonesian Ministry of Health as a national laboratory for ARV drug resistance testing to support the HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Control program in Indonesia.

During the avian influenza epidemic, LMK FKUI was appointed by Indonesian Ministry of Health as a regional laboratory for avian influenza, which also then conducted surveillance of SARI (severe acute respiratory infection) and ILI (influenza-like illness). LMK FKUI was also involved in the national TB network as it was appointed as Ministry of Health’s national reference laboratory for tuberculosis examinations, such as molecular testing, serology, MOTT, and TB operational research.

The role and presence of LMK FKUI in efforts to nourish the nation is increasingly visible in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. LMK FKUI was appointed as the COVID-19 examination laboratory and is trusted to conduct kit validation tests, PCR tests, and rapid antigen tests. This trust certainly spurs LMK FKUI to become a laboratory that provides quality and professional services.

The Head of LMK FKUI dr. R. Fera Ibrahim, M.Sc., Ph.D., Sp.MK said, “LMK FKUI accreditation is carried out as a form of responsibility, strengthening, and proving ability and professionalism. On July 20, 2022, National Accreditation Committee trusted LMK FKUI as a medical laboratory through ISO 15189 accreditation with accreditation number LM-089-IDN, which is valid for 5 years,” said dr. Fera at the Thanksgiving of LMK FKUI passing ISO 15189, which took place on Saturday (17/09/2022).

Previously, LMK FKUI was also fully accredited by Accreditation Committee for Health Laboratory (KALK) as a Health Laboratory on September 12, 2019, which is also valid for 5 years. Fera Ibrahim said that the presence of LMK FKUI in the center of Jakarta received a very good response from clinicians, the community, the government, and other stake holders.

“We feel that we need to deliver our gratitude to the entire LMK FKUI team, starting from the 1st vice chairman Dr. dr. Yeva Rosana, M.S., Sp.MK(K), 2nd vice chairman dr. Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro, Ph.D., a team of experts, and all staff who have worked hard to achieve ISO 15189 accreditation. In addition, of course, thanks to the Head of the Department of Clinical Microbiology, FKUI dr. Yulia Rosa Saharman, Ph.D., Sp.MK(K), and the Dean of FKUI for the full support and facilities to all LMK FKUI staff and personnel so as to create professional services by prioritizing quality and patient safety.”

Meanwhile, the Head of the LMK Expert Team Prof. dr. Pratiwi Pudjilestari Sudarmono, Ph.D., Sp.MK(K) said that LMK also has a research development field that ensures that all service quality and methods used are in accordance with the latest science.

“LMK FKUI also provides training to network laboratories to carry out standardized clinical microbiological examinations. Another advantage for services at LMK FKUI is the experience of the teaching staff of the Department of Clinical Microbiology of FKUI who conduct various research, collaboration, and training at home and abroad. Professional multidisciplinary participation and cooperation is always carried out in the effort to prevent and control infection and antimicrobial resistance in hospitals,” said Prof. Pratiwi.

This achievement was appreciated by the Dean of FKUI Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD-KGEH, MMB. “Congratulations on the extraordinary hard work of LMK FM UI for its achievement as the first and only Clinical Microbiology laboratory in Indonesia to successfully pass ISO 15189. I really appreciate this great achievement, hopefully LMK FKUI can maintain and improve quality and become a pioneer and inspiration for other laboratories. Keep up the good work LMK FKUI! ,” she said.

LMK FKUI was established as a Special Work Unit for Services and Community Service (UKK PPM) FKUI in 2018 in accordance with UI Rector Decree No. 2735/SK/R/UI/2018. LMK FKUI always strives to provide TePAT or Trusted, Professional, Accurate, Affordable services in accordance with its vision, which is to become a center of science and technology in the field of Clinical/Medical Microbiology.

Services at LMK FKUI include searching for the etiology of infectious diseases, antimicrobial sensitivity testing, immunological examination of infectious diseases, and serving clinical consultations to optimize patient management through laboratory services, which include bacteriology, serology, environmental and industrial examinations, mycology, tuberculosis, virology and molecular biology, as well as providing media for microbiology laboratory examination needs. In addition, LMK FKUI has also played many roles as a means of learning and research, especially for clinical microbiology specialist study programs and master and doctoral programs in microbiology.

LMK FKUI is located at Jl. Pegangsaan Timur No. 16, Cikini, Central Jakarta. LMK FM UI has a WhatsApp service at 081210386813 and 081384300467 or can be contacted by telephone (021) 31609412, 31922850, 3100806 and e-mail. Further information about LMK can be found on the website

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