After 12 years that the Universitas Indonesia (UI) has implemented the Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric World University Rankings, this year Universitas Indonesia announced the Universitas Indonesia GreenCityMetric, which is a list of sustainable regencies/cities in Indonesia. “Developments in the field of sustainability are considered quite important not only for educational institutions such as universities but also for wider coverage areas such as districts/cities. Therefore, Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric as a university ranking in the field of sustainability innovates and adjusts indicators so that assessments related to sustainability can also be carried out for regencies/cities in Indonesia through UI GreenCityMetric,” said the Chair of Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., in “Announcement and Awarding of UI Greencitymetric Rankings 2022” on Thursday (21/07).
Furthermore, Prof. Riri said that the ranking of the first city/regency in Indonesia is based on three pillars, namely the Environment, Economics, and Social, with a weighted assessment indicator consisting of Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (16%), Energy and Climate Change (19%), Planning Waste and Waste Management (19%), Water Management (15%), Access and Mobility (16%), Governance(15%). “The existence of the UI GreenCityMetric is a platform to see sustainability issues in cities/districts in Indonesia. It is also hoped that sustainability issues in regencies/cities in Indonesia will become real issues that can be started to be discussed and paid attention to by local and central governments in Indonesia,” said a professor at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Faculty of Engineering with expertise in information technology or computers.
Based on the 2022 Universitas Indonesia GreenCityMetric Ranking, Semarang City, Central Java, became the Best Sustainable City in Indonesia; followed by the City of Kediri, East Java in second place; and Padang City, West Sumatra, in third place. Universitas Indonesia GreenCityMetric also gave six awards for the best Regency/City in each category of assessment.
First, the award for the Most Sustainable City in the Field of Spatial Planning and Infrastructure was given to the City of Semarang, Central Java. Second, the award for the Most Sustainable City in the Field of Energy and Climate Change was given to the City of Parepare, South Sulawesi. Third, the award for the Most Sustainable City in the Sector of Waste Management was given to the City of Madiun, East Java. Fourth, the award for the Most Sustainable City in the Field of Water Management was given to the City of Padang, West Sumatra. The Most Sustainable City Award in the Access and Mobility Sector and the Most Sustainable City in the Civil Service Sector were awarded to the City of Kediri, East Java. The complete announcement of the GreenCityMetric Universitas Indonesia Ranking can be accessed on the page:
The announcement was witnessed by the Expert Staff of the Minister of Home Affairs for Social Affairs and Inter-Agency Relations, Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Togap Simangunsong; Head of the SDGs National Secretariat, Expert Staff to the Minister of National Development Planning for Social Affairs and Poverty Reduction, Dr. Vivi Yulaswati, MSc.; Plt. The Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.; Executive Director of the Association of Indonesian City Governments (APEKSI), Alwis Rustam, M.Int.DevSecretary of the University of Universitas Indonesia , dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D.; Mayor of Semarang City, Hendrar Prihadi; Mayor of the City of Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar; Mayor of Padang City Hendri Septa, B.Bus (acc), MIB; Mayor of Madiun City Drs. H. Maidi, SH, MM, M.Pd; Mayor of Parepare City Dr. Taufan Pawe, SH., MH; Mayor of Padang Sidempuan City, Irsan Efendi Nasution, SH; as well as district/city regional leaders and apparatus in Indonesia. This announcement was made in a hybridmanner at the University of Indonesia Convention Center, Universitas Indonesia Depok Campus and broadcast live on Unversitas Indonesia’s YouTube.
In his welcoming speech as well as opening the event, the Secretary of Universitas Indonesia who represented the Rector of Universitas Indonesia , dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., gave his appreciation to Regencies/Cities in Indonesia that have played an active role in realizing their respective Regencies/Cities as sustainable and sustainable cities according to the criteria and indicators of Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric.
“In the first year of its implementation, Universitas Indonesia GreenCityMetric was participated by 34 regencies/cities from 16 provinces in Indonesia. This is an extraordinary achievement, considering that the Regency/City participates in realizing an increasingly sustainable Regency/City in Indonesia. We certainly hope that more cities/regencies in Indonesia will join the Universitas Indonesia GreenCityMetric ranking to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia until 2030,” said dr. Agustin Kusumayati.
As the winner of Best Sustainable City, one of the hallmarks of Semarang City is the presence of a wastewater treatment process using MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor) IPAL which is similar to the Activated Sludge process but with a mixture of suspended media. In addition, organic waste processing in Semarang City has been processed into compost using barrels, tubs, Takakura and biopori as well as ecoenzymes.
Meanwhile, the city of Kediri is the best in terms of access and mobility by providing public transportation specifically for the elderly and disabled as well as the availability of bicycle lanes on the road. Furthermore, as the third Best Sustainable City, the city of Padang is one of the cities that excels in the field of water management, various programs for water conservation, and the use of recycled water.
Universitas Indonesia GreenCityMetric is an initiative of Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric, which will rank districts/cities in Indonesia based on commitments and actions, or actions taken by districts/cities towards sustainability. UI GreenCityMetric not only aims to increase district/city awareness of sustainability, but also encourages all district/city communities in Indonesia to support all forms of efforts to improve districts/cities that are green and sustainable with endorsementsfrom the Ministry.