To overcome the challenges of limited medical personnel and the community’s need for medical rehabilitation services, the Faculty of Medicine (FK) of Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Study Program (IKFR), is collaborating with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office (Dinkes). This collaboration is carried out to strengthen the cooperation of Community-Based Rehabilitation (RBM) for patients with palliative conditions.
Head of the IKFR Study Program, FKUI, and Head of the FKUI Community Service Team (Pengmas), Prof. Dr. dr. Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih, Sp.K.F.R., N.M. (K), M.Sc, explained that palliative care is care for a patient and their family with an incurable disease. Therefore, it is necessary to maximize the patient’s quality of life and reduce disturbing symptoms, such as through pain reduction by paying attention to the psychological and spiritual aspects of the patient and family.
He further said, “RBM services at the Puskesmas aim to reach patients who need rehabilitation management, but face obstacles in meeting specialist doctors, due to limited personnel and distribution of specialist doctors. Coinciding with this, the FKUI community service team is also involving the IKFR FKUI Resident Doctors,” said Prof. Widjajalaksmi.
Meanwhile, the RBM program provides training on deconditioning, mobilization, stretching exercises, and nutritional care. This training is intended for health workers and cadres using evaluation tools, such as the Barthel Index and EQ5D. For the past two years, this program has collaborated with various Community Health Centers in the Jakarta area. This year, RBM reached 10 Community Health Centers in East Jakarta involving a total of 185 participants consisting of health workers, cadres, and caregivers, and has served a total of 51 palliative patients which were carried out from March to December 2024.
“This program aims to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities in Jakarta through sustainable activities. This results-based approach is expected to solve the challenges of handling disabilities locally, nationally, and globally. The main mission is to create an inclusive and friendly environment for all individuals without discrimination,” said Prof. Widjajalaksmi.
Head of the East Jakarta City Health Sub-Department, dr. Herwin Meifendy, MPH., explained the importance of this activity for the community. “Palliative patients are spread across various sub-districts in East Jakarta, so this program is expected to encourage the independence of patients and caregivers. RBM has a role to focus on long-term care education for palliative patients.”
He added that palliative rehabilitation is a rehabilitation effort carried out in the final stages of a disease, which if not treated, palliative patients will eventually experience a decline in quality of life at the end of their remaining life. The program focuses on providing support and comfort to maximize independence, through training provided to health center cadres and caregivers. dr. Herwin hopes that this collaboration can implement appropriate care for palliative patients.
Nila, one of the training participants, expressed her gratitude for this rehabilitation program. She said, “As a cadre from the Health Center, I am very happy to get training and new knowledge from doctors who are easy to discuss with.” Meanwhile, the analysis of health data from the Health Centers involved showed an increase in terms of independence in self-care, daily activities, and mobilization based on the Barthel Index. This finding comes from a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of previous programs designed to improve the quality of health services for palliative patients.
Collaboration between FKUI and the DKI Jakarta Health Office has previously produced the “Buku Saku Pelaku Rawat untuk Perawatan Paliatif” (Career Pocket Book for Palliative Care) which is designed as a practical guide for health workers in Community Health Centers. This book has proven to be useful in strengthening the capacity of health workers in providing more targeted and quality care to palliative patients, while supporting the sustainability of the RBM program.
“To improve the quality and sustainability of the RBM program, FKUI, together with the DKI Jakarta Health Office, plan to draft a Cooperation Agreement (PKS). This step is expected to strengthen the foundation of cooperation, so that community service and devotion activities such as RBM can continue to run,” said Prof. Widjajalaksmi.
Together with Prof. Widjajalaksmi, the FKUI Community Service Team consists of Dr. dr. Luh Karunia Wahyuni, SP.KFR., Ped. (K).; dr. Ira Mistivani, SP.KFR., N.M.(K).; dr. Melinda Harini, SP.KFR., Ger(K).; dr. Peggy, SP.KFR., K.R(K).; dr. Bintang Pratiwi.; dr. Bunga S. Nurmansyah; dr. Fiona Lestari; dr. Fitriana Rohmatunnisa; dr. Indira K. Nasution; dr. Johanes Putra; dr. Johanna Tania Halim; dr. Marcherly Wardi; dr. Meryta Ulfa; dr. Nana Qoriana; dr. Rahmi Sesaria; dr. Siti Aminah Candra Kasih; dr. Ananda Dinta Humaira; dr. Audrey Witari; dr. Elsie Dyana Pretty Stephanie; dr. Maria Agustina Dwiarti Kartika Harinaningtyas; dr. Preciella Chandra; dr. Rizkina Inayya; Dr. Rusfanisa; and dr. Sofi Wardati.