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FKM UI made Buleleng District Healthy Village Sample

Discussion of Follow-Up Plans per Community Element by Healthy Tourism Ambassadors

The Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia (FKM UI) chose a village in Buleleng Regency, Bali, namely Munduk Village as the target for the community service grant (Public Service) program. Prof. Dr. dr. Evi Martha, M.Kes., as head of the community service team and FKM UI professor who is concerned with the cultural aspects of health, said, “One cultural aspect that convinced me and the team, namely the suitability of this program, is the philosophy of life of the Balinese people, namely Tri Hita Karana (Parahyangan/ Harmony with God; Pawongan/Harmony with Humans; Palemahan/Harmony with Nature). We hope that what we socialize will be better received because people are used to these values.”

Departing from primary data, namely the village that supports prioritizing this program and needs assistance to revive the atmosphere of post-pandemic tourism activities, as well as the Buleleng Regency government’s proposal to make Munduk Village one of the objects of visits by the November 2022 G20 Summit delegation, strengthened the FKM UI team in determining the form packer program. The team consisting of Ulfi Hida Zainita, SKM; Naurah Assyifa Rilfi, SKM; and Syifa Aulia Aminudin AMd. Keb, carries out the program “Healthy Tourism to Boost the Economy”. This community service activity is a form of UI’s contribution in realizing the tri dharma of higher education as well as the success of the G20 presidency with a focus on achieving sustainable development goals (Sustainable Development Goal SDG) number 3 (good health and prosperity), number 8 (decent work and economic growth). , and number 17 (partnership to achieve goals).

While the secondary data obtained included Bali’s potential as the largest foreign exchange earner (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, 2022), the election of Munduk Village as a Tourism Village according to the Decree of the Buleleng Regent No 430/239/HK/2022 (Buleleng District Tourism Office, 2022), and became one of the villages that won the Indonesian Tourism Village Award / ADWI in 2021 (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, 2021). As for the threats, namely that it is observed that data on compliance with the COVID-19 health protocol is still not properly recorded (National COVID-19 Task Force, 2022) and booster vaccination coverage in the Munduk Village community is still below the national average coverage (BPBD Buleleng District , 2022).

After material planning and administrative preparations since March 2022, the FKM UI community service team at the end of September 2022 conducted the first series of community service in the form of direct training for healthy tourism ambassadors which was attended by 30 healthy tourism ambassadors so they could become the agents of change in the surrounding community groups.

The healthy tourism ambassador is expected to become an agent who succeeds in the declaration of the formation of a healthy tourism village as an echo for fellow elements/professions in their village to have a perspective including healthier behavior. In this context, the tourism village that will be formed is a village that is able to see and recognize the potential of existing tourism resources with a foundation of health resilience as a capital for sustainable health economic recovery. Through this program, the team hopes to create self-reliance in the implementation of the Healthy Tourism Village by managers of tourist attractions, the community, and traditional stakeholders of Munduk Village, Buleleng in order to encourage economic development in line with government policies.

On the first day of the healthy tourism ambassador training, Tuesday (27/09), four resource persons participated in giving material including, dr. Sucipto, S.Ked., M.A.P as the Head of the Buleleng District Health Office who explained the current state of public health; Prof. Dr. dr. Evi Martha, M.Kes., who explained the importance of the One Health approach and the Pentahelix Collaboration; I Ketut Suardikayasa as the Head of Undisan Village Headman who described the lesson learned from one of the pilot Tourism Villages in Bali; and ended with a presentation by Putu Ariadi Pribadi, S.STP, M.AP as the Chief Executive of BPBD Buleleng Regency regarding the General Standards for Prevention of COVID-19. The first day of the training session began with a pre-test on the training participants and the inauguration of the declaration of the Healthy Tourism Ambassador by the Buleleng District Health Office.

On the second day of training, Thursday (29/09), it began with a free basic health check (tension/blood sugar/cholesterol) for healthy tourism ambassadors and the making of a commitment and support pact from the Munduk Village government and the Buleleng District Tourism Office for the establishment of a Tourism Village Healthy Tourism in Munduk Village. The second day of the training was also attended by four speakers including Dr. Zakianis, SKM, M.Kes as Teaching Staff of the Department of Environmental Health at FKM UI who explained about Environmental Health and Waste Management; \Ni Luh Made Enny Widhiyati, S.STP., MH as the Head of the Buleleng Regency Tourism Destination Division explained about the innovation of healthy tourism village tourism; Prof. Evi Martha facilitated the discussion of follow-up plans from 10 elements of the village community (Driver/Driver Association, PKK, Cadre, Traders, Subak, Accommodation, Karang Taruna, Adat, Craftsmen, and Tour Guide/Guide); and closed by Naurah Assyifa Rilfi, SKM as a health promotion practitioner who explained the basics of Digital Marketing and Design Practices.

The Village Secretary, Putu Sukardana expressed his deep gratitude to UI for entrusting Munduk Village to conduct the training for healthy tourism ambassadors. He hopes that this training can be implemented by our residents in the village and can be developed for other residents. At the end of the activity, to find out the level of post-training knowledge, the participants returned to do the same questions/post test.

Based on the results of the pre-post test measurements, the community service team found an increase in participants’ knowledge of 18.4 points from the pre-test score. Apart from that, as a concrete form of program sustainability, program proposals per element/community group are followed up online through the WhatsApp Group application. For mentoring activities in the form of active discussion of both program ideas to support the formation of healthy tourism villages and media output used by each healthy tourism ambassador to echo his program to other people who have similar professions. For mentoring activities in the form of active discussion of both program ideas to support the formation of healthy tourism villages and media output used by each healthy tourism ambassador to echo his program to other people who have similar professions. This activity is in the form of implementing the training of trainers/TOT method.

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