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FMNS UI Student Team Wins 1st Place in International Earth Science Video Competition

Another brilliant achievement was made by a team of students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (FMNS UI). This time, 6 (six) students from the Geology study program FMNS UI who are members of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Student Chapter (SC) Universitas Indonesia (UI) won 1st place in the international competition AAPG Asia-Pacific Region Student Chapter Video Contest at the earth science week video contest 2021.
In the contest themed Water is Part of Life Around the World, the AAPG SC UI team submitted a video titled “A Drop of Life“. The six members of the AAPG SC UI team involved in making the video consisted of Azzahra Karin Ayadzani as chairperson and editor, Natasya Alia Zahran as editor, Khalisha Shafa Yumnanisa as editor, Karina Sekar Arum as voice actor, and Nadia Shebrina and Savira Syahfitri as scriptwriters.
Azzahra Karin Ayadzani explained that the background to the idea of making the “A Drop of Life” video was the team’s concern about the current condition of Indonesian waters. Geographically, Indonesia is a maritime country with the largest archipelago in the world. 2/3 of Indonesia is ocean and 1/3 is land. So Indonesia has the potential for an abundant water supply.
“In this competition, we want to raise the theme that Indonesia is an archipelago and maritime country, with an abundance of water, so we should be able to utilize these advantages well,” said Azzahra. The 2-minute 57-second video was uploaded to the American Geosciences Institute youtube channel on December 16, 2021.
Unfortunately, this potential has not been fully utilized by the community. However, Azzahra said, now almost all of Indonesia’s water areas are increasingly polluted with many findings of garbage.
“In reality, we have not been able to maximize the potential of our country. It can be seen from the amount of pollution such as microplastic waste, floods, and so on,” he added.
A Drop of Life is considered successful in illustrating how pollution has greatly affected the quality of water sources in Indonesia complete with suggestions for improvements that must be made for the welfare of people’s lives. More broadly, the content of the video does not only focus on earth issues, but also includes points that are included in the world development agenda in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program.
He hopes that the “A Drop of Life” video made by his team can move the hearts of all elements of society to jointly contribute to preserving the environment in a sustainable manner, and wisely manage Indonesia’s natural resources.
The AAPG Student Chapter Video Contest 2021 is an annual competition organized by the American Geosciences Institute in collaboration with the AAPG Student Chapter: Asia Pacific Region as a forum for the creativity of all AAPG-SCs from various universities around the world. Each SC is given opportunity to highlight a series of programs that are packaged in an interesting and creative video format.

The 2021 AAPG Student Chapter Video Contest was held in conjunction with Earth Science Week (ESW) 2021. The purpose of organizing ESW is to open public knowledge about earth science and show the importance of the role of earth science in helping to maintain the earth so that it becomes an ideal place for human life. The winning entries in the AAPG Asia-Pacific Region Student Chapter Video Contest can be viewed on the website

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