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For Four Consecutive Years, UI Maintains the “Informative” Predicate at the Public Information Disclosure Award

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has again received the 2023 Public Information Disclosure Award from the Central Information Commission as a State University (PTN) with the title “Informative”. UI is in the top 25 out of 149 PTNs with a score of 93.80. UI has achieved the same title since 2020. In front of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. (HC) K.H., Ma’ruf Amin, Chairman of the Central Information Commission (KIP) Donny Yusgiantoro handed over the award to UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro S.E., M.A., Ph.D., at the Vice President’s Palace, Jakarta (Tuesday, 19/12).

The Vice President said that, “Information transparency is a way to maintain democracy whose ultimate goal is to improve people’s welfare.” He then explained several achievements, namely the formation of Information Institutions and Commissions in almost all provinces in Indonesia, the increase in the number of public bodies in the “informative” category from only 15 public bodies in 2018 to 139 in 2023, and Indonesia’s achievements in the 2020 United Nations survey, which received a perfect score in the Government Data Disclosure Index.

The Public Information Disclosure Award is an award given annually by the Central Information Commission to Public Bodies that implement Law Number 14 Year 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure (UU KIP). The assessment is done based on monitoring and evaluation carried out by the Central Information Commission on existing Public Bodies.

According to Donny Yusgiantoro, there are 369 Public Bodies being monitored and evaluated by the Central Information Commission this year. The “Informative” predicate was given to 139 public bodies (37.7 percent of all public bodies). Apart from the Informative predicate, 43 public bodies received the “Towards Informative” predicate, 13 received the “Quite Informative” predicate, 27 received the “Less Informative” predicate, and 147 received the “Not Informative” predicate. “Monitoring and evaluating public information disclosure aims to determine the implementation of the KIP Law in public bodies and optimize the duties and functions of information and documentation management officials as the front guard of public information services to the public,” he said.

For UI’s achievement in maintaining the “Informative” title for the past four years, Prof. Ari Kuncoro said that the results obtained were a form of cooperation and synergy among all elements within the UI environment, as well as faculties/schools/vocational education programs in providing access to the best services for UI residents and the general public. He hopes that this award will encourage UI to continue to improve access to information in accordance with the provisions of the KIP Law Number 14 Year 2008.

Previously, at the beginning of September, UI won two awards for the subcategory of public information service space and public information service reports from Indonesian Public Relations. From the results of the KIP assessment, apart from UI there were 33 PTNs that achieved the overall informative category.

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