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Fordigi Goes to Campus 2023: UI Students Are Ready to Become Digital Talents of the Future

Depok, September 27th 2023. The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has indirectly accelerated the process of increasing the use of technology. This technological progress will have a positive impact if used properly. Therefore, Universitas Indonesia (UI) is collaborating with the BUMN Digital Forum to organize Fordigi Goes to Campus 2023, on Tuesday (19/9), at Purnomo Prawiro Hall, UI Depok Campus, to find Indonesia’s best young digital talents.

UI Vice Rector for Human Resources and Assets, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA, said that this activity was important considering that UI is currently also carrying out digital transformation movements to improve the digital skills of the academic community. This improvement effort is carried out through training and development of big data universities which can be used together. “UI is participating in advancing campus digitalization by creating various innovative products and services to facilitate the activities of the academic community,” he said.

The need for “technological literacy” for young people is high because young people have an important role in making contributions in the future. Chairman of Fordigi BUMN, Muhammad Fajrin Rasyid, said that Indonesia will need more workers in the digital sector. This is because the internet revolution from 1960 until now has developed rapidly and if this country is unable to follow quickly, Indonesia will be left behind.

“Nowadays, the skills that students must have are the skills to be able to learn new things. We must be able to adapt to new technology that continues to emerge. Therefore, Fordigi is here to accommodate and bridge the younger generation so they can improve their abilities and develop further,” said Fajrin.

At this event, several speakers were present who explained strategies for students to become high quality digital talents. Some of the speakers are Senior Executive Vice President Information Technology at Bank Mandiri, Daniel Subianto; Deputy for Human Resources (HR), Technology and Information at the Ministry of BUMN, Tedi Bharata; and Director of Business Transformation PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), Panji Winanteya Ruky.

In their presentations, the speakers said that Indonesia has enormous digital economic potential. For this reason, digital talents who have digital awareness, digital literacy, and digital innovation are needed. “You don’t have to have a computer degree first to become a digital talent,” said Panji.

According to Daniel, digital talents must have abilities that include hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills include mastery of software engineering, product development, business projects engineering, and security. Meanwhile, soft skills consist of communication, collaboration, problem solving, creativity, and critical thinking skills. These abilities are needed so that the younger generation can solve global problems faced in the future.

Apart from presenting material from resource persons, on that occasion, the team from UI was announced as 1st Place in the 2023 Fordigi Hackathon Challenge for the Jakarta Area. Fordigi Hackathon Challenge 2023 Jakarta Area takes the theme “AI and Metaverse as Solutions to Main Problems in Jakarta”. This competition was held as an educational tool for students who want to become digital talents in the future.

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