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Forming Young Intellectuals with Integrity, UI Hosted Campus Integrity Roadshow

Universitas Indonesia (UI) was chosen as the last destination for Campus Integrity Roadshow Jakarta-Depok event, on Tuesday (21/3). Campus Integrity Roadshow is a follow-up event to Campus Leadership Integrity Forum which was held in November 2022. This event was initiated by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) of Indonesia, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia. Campus Integrity Roadshow event was held in five cities, which are Medan, Surabaya, Makassar, Kupang, and Jakarta, aiming to encourage the practice of academic integrity, anti-corruption education, good campus governance, and prevention of sextortion that can be applied in the Indonesian higher education system which is supported by KEMITRAAN and USAID Indonesia Integrity Initiative (USAID Integritas).

In her welcoming speech, Secretary of Universitas Indonesia (UI) dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., said, “To prevent conditions that indicate a lack of integrity in higher education institutions, it is necessary to increase and take initiative, both from the government and the institutions themselves in improving integrity. Hopefully, this event is able to strengthen the implementation of various initiatives in higher education institutions to improve integrity and ourselves against acts of corruption, collusion, and nepotism.”

Deputy Chief of Party, USAID INTEGRITAS, Diah Januarti added that campuses are motors for social change, creating young intellectuals with integrity and future leaders of the nation. “UI being the host of Campus Integrity Roadshow for Jakarta and Depok areas is a concrete step in supporting integrity on campus through the ideas obtained through this event,” said Diah.

Acts of corruption in the governance of the development of educational institutions can hinder the formation of Good University Governance, so the involvement of various stakeholders to participate in the anti-corruption movement is needed. Implementing the integrity values initiated by the Corruption Eradication Committee can produce good governance and improve the quality of education services, especially in higher education institutions. This encourages the transformation of education towards the implementation of Good University Governance in the scope of the university. These integrity values include Honesty, Discipline, Responsibility, Hard Work, Modesty, Independence, Fairness, Courage, and Care.

Director Office of Democratic Resilience and Governance/USAID Indonesia Jeremy Meadows said “Higher education institutions play a key role in generating new research, encouraging policy advocacy, and supporting critical thinking skills and perspectives that are the foundation of democratic accountability. This can push social changes in society, where corruption is a threat to universities in achieving their goals and visions in Indonesia,” said Jeremy.

Campus Integrity Roadshow which was held at Balai Sidang, Depok UI Campus also invited various other speakers, namely Inspector General of Kemendikbudristek, Chatarina Muliana, S.H., S.E., M.H; Deputy Coordinator of Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Siti Juliantari Rachman; USAID INTEGRITAS Researcher, Theodora Putri; Young Expert at the Directorate of Education Network, Deputy for Education and Community Participation, KPK, Anis Wijayanti; Head of Transformation, Risk Management and Evaluation Monitoring (TREM) Bureau UI, Vishnu Juwono, S.E., M.I.A., Ph.D; Basel Institute on Governance, Claudia Baez Camargo; and Academic Integrity Lead for Coventry University Group, Dr. Irene Glendining.

Author: Giany Allysia Putri | Editor: Maudisha

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