Depok, August 22nd 2023. In commemoration of the 78th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Day, Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Directorate and Community Empowerment (DPPM) held community service activities in the State Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan on August 17th-18th of 2023. The activity entitled “UI’s Role in the Development of IKN in East Kalimantan through Acceleration of Health and Education”, contained a series of events including free health services for construction workers at IKN East Kalimantan and various competitions aimed at the community at IKN East Kalimantan.
As many as 3,000 construction workers at the East Kalimantan IKN took part in a health examination which included checking vital signs, checking their height and weight as well as Body Mass Index (BMI). Apart from that, blood glucose was also checked up to a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) to diagnose malaria. This activity was welcomed by the construction workers at the East Kalimantan IKN as seen from the enthusiasm of the construction workers following each stage of the health check.
“I feel happy to be able to check my health here, because while I was at the Construction Worker Housing (HPK) there was never a health check. I hope that in the future there will be more activities like this,” said Suyono, one of the construction workers.
This medical examination was a collaboration between UI and PT Kimia Farma (persero) laboratory and clinic, PT Paragon Technology and Innovation, as well as the Health Office in East Kalimantan. This collaboration aimed to improve access and quality of health services in IKN. In addition to medical examinations, in the future this collaboration will also provide training for health workers and development of medical infrastructure at the East Kalimantan IKN.
Director of DPPM UI, Agung Waluyo., Ph.D. said, “UI is proud to contribute to this national mission to build IKN, especially in the health and education sectors. Through this initiative, we hope to encourage the development of IKN to get better, and thus, promote Indonesia’s inclusive and sustainable growth.”
This collaboration reflected a holistic approach to the development of IKN by connecting the government, private, and education sectors in a synergistic partnership. With the collaboration of expertise and resources from various sectors, Indonesia can ensure that IKN will become a symbol of equitable economic growth and sustainable development.
Director of Basic Services of the IKN Authority, Dr. Suwito., SKM., M.Kes, said “This program is expected not only to assist IKN in facing urgent health and education challenges but also to build a strong foundation for a more just, equitable, and sustainable Indonesia”.