The earthquake that struck Cianjur Regency in November 2022, drove the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) to hold a humanitarian action called #FTUIPeduli. As a form of concern, FTUI held a donation for #FTUIPeduli, which was open for a month (November-December 2022).
The total funds collected amounted to Rp50,000,000 and were distributed in the form of staple goods, toiletries and washing needs, medicines, groceries, and vegetables. The assistance was handed over directly by Manager of Student Affairs, Research, and Community Service FTUI Dr. rer. pol. Romadhani Ardi, S.T., M.T., accompanied by the Student Executive Board of FTUI (BEM FTUI) to a post located at one of the points where the earthquake occurred, which is Gasol Village, Cugenang District.
“#FTUIPeduli is a form of spontaneous community service from the FTUI big family in response to the disaster that occurred last November in Cianjur. Thank God, in just one month, we managed to raise Rp50,000,000, and now we have distributed it. Before distributing it, we had previously conducted a survey to find out the needs of the people affected by the Cianjur earthquake. Hopefully, this donation distribution can reduce the burden on the people of Cianjur who are affected by the earthquake,” said Dr. Romadhani Ardi.
Distribution of donations was symbolically handed over to Head of Gasol Village Toni. On this occasion, Toni expressed his gratitude for the assistance that had been given. “On behalf of the Gasol villagers, I would like to express my deepest thanks for the assistance that has been given by the Faculty of Engineering UI. Hopefully, this assistance can be an encouragement for us in going through the post-earthquake process,” said Toni.
In addition to the distribution of donations given on Thursday (26/1), BEM FTUI, which also attended the location, carried out trauma-healing activities in the form of games to entertain more than 100 local children after the aftermath of the earthquake. Eleven student representatives from BEM FTUI offered two games: ‘’Bos Berkata‘ and ‘Rantai Sarung’, which were enthusiastically played by Gasol village children. The children who managed to win the games then received prizes in the form of snacks and several boxes of sarongs. At the end of the games, BEM FTUI distributed goodie bags to the children who had previously been given the goodie bag coupons.
Dean of FTUI Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., said, “FTUI deeply grieves over the calamity that our relatives in Cianjur are currently experiencing. We share their pain and loss. Through distributing donations to the people affected by the earthquake in Cianjur, we hope that this will have a real impact and help the Cianjur people who are affected by the earthquake last November to recover.”
Prof. Heri also emphasized that in the future FTUI, especially from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DTSL), will assist the building construction process in areas affected by the earthquake as part of the post-earthquake recovery program. It is hoped that FTUI’s community service activities in Cianjur will continue with various other research and community service programs to help rebuild and recover Cianjur after the earthquake.