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Functional Green Nanocomposites As Environmentally Friendly Materials

Depok, August 10th 2023. Rector of Universitas Indonesia (UI), Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., inaugurated Prof. Dr. dr. Helmiyati, M.Si. as Permanent Professor in the Field of Polymer Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UI. The inauguration ceremony was held on Wednesday (9/8), at the UI Convention Hall, Depok Campus. On that occasion, Prof. Helmiyati conveyed the results of her research entitled “The Potential of Biopolymers and Nanoparticles as Functional Green Nanocomposites: Energy, Clean Water, and Health”.

In her scientific oration, Prof. Helmiyati said that Indonesia is rich in chemicals sourced from natural resources. Seeing this potential, she developed the synthesis of biopolymer-based nanocomposites supported by metal oxides to be applied to various needs. Combining metal nanoparticles or metal oxides on the biopolymer surface will produce nanocomposite properties that are excellent on each respective materials and are synergistic. This finding can be developed as a catalyst for biodiesel; as a photocatalyst for handling dangerous dye waste so that clean water is obtained; and as an antibacterial which is useful in the health sector.

According to Prof. Helmiyati, fuel is an important factor in economic development because it is used for various types of vehicles, such as cars, motorbikes, trains and planes. The fuel used today mostly comes from fossils. The use of fossil fuels causes serious environmental problems, because burning them causes greenhouse gas effects and depletion of fossil fuel sources. In fact, world fuel use is expected to increase by 28% between 2015 and 2040.

To overcome this problem, alternative fuels that are environmentally friendly and renewable are needed. Biodiesel or fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) is considered a good fuel substitute because it can be directly substituted or mixed with diesel; has lower greenhouse gas emissions, better cetane number, and lower sulfur plume content; and is non-toxic. In addition, biodiesel can be prepared using ingredients that are easily available, such as palm oil, coconut oil, soybean oil, animal fat, and used cooking oil.

In addition, nanocomposites can also be used as photocatalysts to degrade dyes in waste to obtain clean water. A large amount of dye waste generated from various industries, such as the textile, plastic, paper, food and cosmetic industries, cannot be disposed of without adequate treatment, as dye pollutants originating from industry is one of the main causes of pollution of the ecological system. In fact, even in small amounts, the dye pollutant can become very toxic because it has a complex structure, making it difficult to degrade.

Azo dyes are a class of organic compounds found in dyes that can produce carcinogenic aromatic amines, such as benzidine, 3,3-dimethylbenzidine, 3,3-dimethoxybenzidine, and 2,4-tolyl benzidine. These compounds can cause cancer and almost 70% of synthetic dyes contain azo groups. This is due to synthetic dyes having resistance to light, acids, and alkalis. Therefore, the use of metal oxide semiconductor materials is useful as a catalyst in photocatalysis because it has high stability, is available in nature, and is non-toxic.

Zirconium oxide semiconductor is a suitable material for photocatalysis with the advantages of being non-toxic, high stability, cheap, low thermal conductivity, insoluble in water, high catalytic activity, and optical properties. Zirconium oxide is stable, hydrophilic, produced at low cost, and is a semiconductor with a band gap of 5.0 – 7.0 eV, which means it is in the UV light region. One method to reduce band gap energy and increase photocatalytic activity is doping with semiconductors that have small/narrow band gap energy.

As for the health sector, nanocomposites are applied to antibacterial materials as wound healing hydrogels, antibacterial fabrics, and food packaging. Antibacterial materials are of course very important, especially in the post-pandemic era. Petroleum-based plastic is a packaging material that is often used because of its large availability at low cost. However, their continuous use can lead to reduced availability, generation of non-biodegradable waste and environmental pollution.

Food packaging using biopolymer-based nanocomposite film is one solution to reduce plastic waste, especially waste generated by the food industry. Food packaging with biopolymers has biodegradable properties , including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and their composites. Sources of biopolymers are natural biopolymers, microbial biopolymers, and biodegradable synthetic polymers. Natural biopolymers are starch, chitosan, cellulose, and derivatives of carbohydrates.

“The combination of nanoparticles and biopolymers from natural sources can be used to provide safe and cheap materials as new energy alternatives from renewable energy sources. Technology that is more efficient and environmentally friendly is also needed to treat waste so that clean water is obtained. Apart from that, environmentally friendly antibacterial materials need to be developed to improve the quality of the environment and public health,” said Prof. Helmiyati.

This research is one of the many studies that have been conducted by Prof. Helmiyati. Several of her published works include Magnetic Alginate–Carboxymethyl Cellulose to Immobilize Copper Nanoparticles as A Green and Sustainable Catalyst for Nitrophenol Reduction (2023); Green Hybrid Photocatalyst Containing Cellulose and γ–Fe2O3–Zro2 Heterojunction for Improved Visible-Light Driven Degradation of Congo Red (2022); and Antimicrobial Packaging of ZnO–Nps Infused into CMC–PVA Nanocomposite Films Effectively Enhances the Physicochemical Properties (2021).

Prof. Dr. Dra. Helmiyati, M.Si. studied Bachelor of Chemistry on the field of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Andalas University (1981–1986); Master of Science in Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology (1987–1989); and Doctorate in Polymer Physical Chemistry, Chemistry Study Program, UI (2006–2009). Her inauguration ceremony procession. was also attended by Retired Professor of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA UI, Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Priyono Suwarso; Dean of FMIPA UI for the 1994–1998 period, Prof. Dr. Endang Asijati, M.Sc.; 2nd Chair of the Chemistry Department at FIPIA UI for the 1964–1967 period, Dr. Ir. Matulanda Ratulangi Sugandi; and 2nd Secretary of the Chemistry Department, FIPIA UI 1964–1967, Drs. F. Santoso.

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