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Ganjar Pranowo As A Lecturer for FISIP UI National Lecture, Discusses Strategy for a Golden Indonesia

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Indonesia (UI) presented Ganjar Pranowo in a series of FISIP UI National Lecture activities, on Monday (18/9), at the Purnomo Prawiro Multipurpose Hall UI. Ganjar Pranowo became the second national figure to be presented at the FISIP UI National Lecture after Anies Baswedan who attended first on August 29th 2023.

In the activity with the theme “Where is Indonesia Going? Ideas, Experiences and Designs of Future Leaders,” Ganjar Pranowo appeared in front of around 1,200 lecture participants, most of whom were UI students and academics. The politician who has just completed his duties as Governor of Central Java explained his vision and thoughts on Indonesia’s future in a presentation entitled “Gaspol Towards a Golden Indonesia”. In his presentation, Ganjar explained three foundations and seven strategies to advance Indonesia. The three foundations are doubling the budget, digitizing the government, and eradicating corruption. Meanwhile, the strategies put forward include eliminating poverty, building productive human resources (HR), and strengthening social safety nets,

Ganjar’s ideas that were presented were then responded to by the panelists consisting of FISIP UI academics, including Professor of Sociology, Prof. Dr. Sudarsono Hardjosoekarto; Lecturer at the Department of Anthropology, Suraya Afiff, Ph.D.; Lecturer at the Department of Communication Sciences and Chair of the Institute for Socio-Political Research and Development, Dr. Ummi Salamah, S.Psi., M.Si.; Criminology student and Chair of the Student Representative Council, Muhammad Fikri Rafi Dartaman; and Political Science Student who is active in the Kota Bergerak Community, Della Azzahra Soepardiyanto. In this session, the Dean of FISIP UI, Prof. Dr. Semiarto Aji Purwanto acted as moderator. Ganjar also had time to answer various sharp questions asked by the participants who were very enthusiastic about attending the lecture session.

After the event, Prof. Dr. Semiarto Aji Purwanto, who is often called Prof. Aji said that the enthusiasm shown by students showed that National Lecture activities were something the students needed. “Students are very happy if there are national figures who can explain their vision and thoughts about Indonesia’s future directly to students. They can ask questions and debate directly what the national figures who give lectures say within an academic framework,” said Prof. Aji.

Meanwhile, one of the panelists, Muhammad Fikri Rafi Dartaman, said that the National Lecture gave students the opportunity to hone themselves in responding to the visions and thoughts of academic figures. Rafi said, “We, students, fully support activities such as the National Lecture so that they are held regularly. Because, as the nation’s successors, we are given space to respond directly to the thoughts of today’s national figures. We need to discuss everything that concerns the leadership of this country, because this concerns the future of the nation. We are always ready to be involved in things like this in the future.”

Ganjar Pranowo also welcomed the National Lecture activities held by FISIP UI positively. “This is good, you can provide explanations and then discuss. I think this is an interesting tradition. It can be developed on other campuses,” said Ganjar.

The FISIP UI National Lecture, which presents national figures, has been taking place since 2022. At that time, FISIP UI invited the Governor of Lemhanas, Andi Widjajanto; Vice Governor of East Java, Emil Dardak; and civil society figure, Yenni Wahid. This year, the National Lecture series presents Anies Baswedan on 29th of August 2023, Ganjar Pranowo on 18th of September 2023, and the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia Prabowo Subianto who has expressed his willingness to attend.

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