Erick Thohir, B.A., M.B.A, Minister of SOEs of Indonesia, said that Generation Z and information and digital technology are Indonesia’s potential to develop the digital economy. “Therefore, the moral principles applied, I think, are in accordance with those applied together in the pillars of digital literacy on the values of competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative trust. I leave this value to Gen Z to be strengthened as the foundation of digital culture and ethics, while strengthening the ability to think creatively, be critical, and be able to solve problems, especially in activities using access to technology and digitalization that will continue to be increasingly sophisticated,” he said in a speech at the 62nd Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology (F. Psi) of the Universitas Indonesia (UI).
Information and digital technology offers two main benefits to its users: Creation power that is getting closer to professional-industrial grade, and enormous broadcasting power that allows users to reach a large-scale audience. Both can be achieved through a process that is as easier, simple and independent as possible using laptops, tablets and even smartphones.
This puts Generation Z (born around 1990s to early 2010s) in a unique position. On the one hand, as digital natives, they are the quickest to absorb both benefits compared to previous generations. On the other hand, they are not yet sufficiently sensitized to the risks of unbalanced technology use. The generation before them is also learning about it.
Using the digital literacy framework established by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Generation Z has quickly absorbed digital skills, but needs to be assisted to achieve the other three domains of digital culture, digital ethics and digital safety. This became an interesting topic raised in a talk show themed Digital Literacy for Generation Z, in the series of dies natalis F. Psi UI.
UI University Secretary, Dr. Agustin Kusumayati, Ph.D., encourages Generation Z to use information and communication technology more wisely, so that they can get good benefits from the technology, such as improving their abilities, adding insight, and deepening knowledge, as well as recognizing valid and good information content.
“It is hoped that by participating in this takshow, we can get an understanding of how we should use the technology with manners and morals that must be used. So that we can use the communication media in good and polite ways, and of course give good results. There is knowledge that we must have, so that we can choose and sort out information, as well as good and bad content so that we can avoid and not be trapped in utilizing or empowering the wrong information, “said Agustin.
The Digital Literacy Talkshow for Generation Z aims to build awareness of high school students who are Generation Z towards the importance of achieving balance in the realm of digital literacy. To achieve this goal, the talk show brought together three points of view, namely digital literacy, social media actors, and the discipline of psychology. The Speaker from each perspective will be represented by Yosi Mokalu, Chairman of Siberkreasi, Fadil Jaidi representing Gen Z who works as social media influencers, and Adi Respati, an alumnus of UI Psychology Faculty who currently serves as Head of Program from Websis for Edu.
The first talk show session (7/10) was attended online by Nahdiana, Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office; Anita Wahid as Deputy Chairperson of SiBerkreasi; Dr. Bagus Takwin, M.Hum., Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UI and the leadership of F.Psi UI; academicians and alumni of F.Psi UI.
In the first term, Yosi Mokalu presented an overview of digital literacy attitudes, with discussion points in the area of digital literacy, data and insights obtained from online behaviors, government policies and digital awareness campaigns. The next Speaker, Fadil Jaidi, will share his learning journey as a netizen model in processing with media balance and his reflective experience in digital literacy. Representing the discipline of psychology, Adi Respati explains adolescent behavior, development, and the social dynamics of the online and offline world. Adi Respati’s presentation covered behavioral dynamics, SWOT analysis of behavior and self-improvement of digital users.
Access to technology has actually fostered Generation Z’s cognitive skills, namely creative thinking, critical thinking, and complex problem solving. However, the three skills did not consistently appear across social media environments. Broadcast power allows Generation Z to gain a much larger audience and network online than offline. This means that Generation Z is at risk of being trapped by having to maintain two different identities.Related to the above, this talk show is expected to develop and maintain creativity and critical thinking in the digital environment and maintain a balance of social engagement in online and offline environments.
The talk show, which became an important activity in the framework of the 62nd Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology UI, was organized in collaboration with Bank Mandiri, Siberkreasi and the DKI Jakarta Education Office. Follow and see the next series of Dies Natalis F.Psi activities. Let’s celebrate and succeed the 62nd Anniversary of Faculty of Psychology UI with the spirit of resilient Indonesia, growing sustainably.