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Good Corporate Governance in University Governance

Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a UKK (Special Work Unit) Joint Working Meeting as well as a UKK gathering in the UI library’s floating room on May 9th 2023. The activity, which is routinely held by the Directorate of Management and Development of Business Units (DPPU), was attended by the Vice Rector for HR and Assets, Prof. Dr. Dedi Priadi, DEA, Vice Rector for Finance and Logistic, Directorate of Cooperation that were represented by the Heads of each sub-directorate, Heads of the Special Working Unit for Community Service (UKK PKM), and UI Corpora Group. The meeting this time was held in the atmosphere of the month of Shawwal and served as Halal Bi Halal event, led by the DPPU, together with the UI leaders, invitations from the Directorate of Cooperation (DKS) and UKK leaders.

“The university is based on research and community service, but besides that, UI must be able to reach a wider scope, especially from a financial perspective, so that it can contribute more to Indonesia,” said Prof. Dedi when delivering the opening remark. Meanwhile, the various activities carried out by UKK should be for the independence of UI and in fact have produced very positive results and contributed greatly to UI. “Universitas Indonesia always join hands to work together to increase revenue, not to compete but to inspire each other’s efforts and enthusiasm to pursue opportunities that are open out there while upholding the integrity of UI,” continued Prof. Dedi.

The meeting, which started at 09.00, was followed by an explanation from the Director of DPPU, T. M. Zakir Sjakur Machmud. “The purpose of holding today’s work meeting is to discuss UKK development updates at UI, both for Community Service Unit(UKK-PPM) and Commercial Business UKK (UKK-UK/UI Corpora Group) for the past 1 year, including preparations for UKK UI product procurement and opportunities,” Zakir said.

Based on a survey conducted by the DPPU, out of a total of 56 UKK-PPM, 67.9% already have Standard Operational Procedures (SOP). SOP is one of the key ingredients in GCG . There are at least 7 SOPs that UKK must have based on Rector’s regulation number 5 of 2019, namely SOPs regarding financial Human Resources (HR), accounting, Procurement of Goods and Services (PBJ), contracts, activities, and still assets. “Our recommendation is, for UKK, if there are problems in running a business, they can directly consult with the relevant work units within UI. From the aspect of cooperation and law with the Directorate of Cooperation (DKS) and the Legal Services Legislation Bureau (BLLH), aspects of procurement of goods and services with the Directorate of Procurement and Logistics (DPL). “The DPPU is also open to all UKK to conduct consultations,” continued Zakir.

The meeting also presented resource person from the Director of Supervision and Compliance, PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-2018 period, Hamdi Hassyarbaini, who spoke about Good Corporate Governance (GCG). In theory, GCG is a series of rules and processes related to how a company is managed. There are four main pillars of GCG, namely accountability, transparency, responsibility, and fairness. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely, thus quote from Lord Acton. “The conflict between self-integrity and reality on the ground is often influenced by the environment. Not only that, the position of power also often creates a tendency to deal with conflicting things, such as corruption,” said Hamdi.

At the end of the discussion, Hamdi explained the importance of maintaining integrity as a professional. “Reputation is not only about UI, but one’s own reputation will also be affected,” he continued. The thing that needs to be considered before taking on a project and signing a contract is to first look at the GCG, as well as pay attention to the rights and obligations. “Not only that, reviewing the company’s track record and the project leader also needs to be done before carrying out a collaborative project ,” said Hamdi.

The second session was delivered by the Director of Procurement and Logistics, Rahmat Aryo Baskoro., SE., MM., CFP., AEPP, with the theme The Role of UKK in Procurement of Goods and Services in UI. As stipulated in the Rector’s Regulation number 4 of 2022 concerning the procurement of goods and services within the UI, UKK can take a role in the process of procuring goods and services within the UI, both UKK-Community Services (UKK-PPM) and UKK-Commercial Business (UKK-UK). The role of UKK-PPM is to become a provider for work units within UI through a self-managed procurement mechanism, while UKK UK can participate as a potential provider and compete with other providers in general through a direct procurement mechanism. Tenders and special procurement.

“Especially for procurement through self-management with UKK-PPM, it allows UKK-PPM to meet the needs for goods and services for work units within UI, provides opportunities to increase UKK participation and of course optimizes the use of university resources,” said Aryo.

The type of self-managed procurement itself is contained in the Rector’s Regulation including the provisions that must be carried out from the start of preparation to the final stage, the requirements for completeness of documents that must be met, and the team in charge during the process of procuring goods and services. “The existence of this regulation certainly supports the governance and implementation of GCG according to the principles of procurement of goods and services within the UI environment,” said Aryo closing the discussion.


Author: Dwina Fitriani Dharmawan/ Editor: Finda Salsabila

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