Eka Budiarto made history at the Faculty of Nursing (FIK) of Universitas Indonesia (UI) by becoming the first student to complete a doctoral program in just 2.5 years. This extraordinary achievement was achieved through a dissertation that presented a psychosocial adaptation model of psychiatric nursing for family caregivers of schizophrenia patients in areas affected by tidal flooding. For this achievement, Eka was awarded the predicate summa cum laude with a perfect Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK), 4.0, which was announced at the Doctoral Promotion Session at the FIK UI Education and Laboratory Building on Tuesday, September 24.
Eka’s success in pursuing higher education is proof that a simple background is not an obstacle to achieving goals. Born into a simple family from Pekalongan, with parents who had elementary education, Eka was determined to complete his education to the highest level. After earning a bachelor’s degree, he then aspired to become a lecturer and is now serving at Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan.
“The opportunity to become a lecturer encouraged me to continue my education to a higher level. Although this journey was not easy, I always believed that with effort, prayer, and support from family and friends, nothing is impossible. I see every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow,” said Eka.
His dissertation titled “Model Adaptasi Psikososial Keperawatan Jiwa bagi Pelaku Rawat Keluarga (Family Caregiver) terhadap Self-Efficacy dan Resiliensi dalam Merawat Pasien Skizofrenia di Wilayah Banjir Rob” (Psychosocial Adaptation Model of Mental Health Nursing for Family Caregivers on Self-Efficacy and Resilience in Caring for Schizophrenia Patients in Tidal Flood Areas), made a significant contribution to the world of nursing. Under the guidance of Promoter Dr. Mustikasari, S.Kp., MARS., and Co-promoters Sali Rahadi Asih, M.Psi., MGPCC, Ph.D., Psychologist, and Prof. Dr. Besral, S.KM., MSc., Eka developed a model that aims to improve the self-efficacy and mental resilience of families caring for schizophrenia patients in tidal flood-prone areas.
According to Eka, the situation of schizophrenia in tidal flood areas requires special attention because the combination of the impact of flooding and the vulnerable mental condition of patients causes an increasingly heavy psychosocial burden. “In my research, families caring for schizophrenia patients face two major challenges, namely the patient’s mental health and recurring natural disasters,” he said.
The model developed by Eka combines the Roy Adaptation Model and the Pender Health Promotion Model Theory, which focuses on improving the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of family caregivers. This model is designed to make families more confident in facing the challenges of care, building better family relationships, and managing social and spiritual support.
“Training for patient families has been proven to increase their knowledge and skills, which ultimately strengthens mental resilience in dealing with two major stresses, namely schizophrenia and tidal flooding. I hope this model can provide real benefits for families caring for patients in disaster-affected areas,” said Eka.
Furthermore, Eka hopes that his findings can be used as a reference for the government, especially the Ministry of Health and BNPB, in formulating policies for managing mental health care in disaster conditions. “This adaptation model can be used as an educational medium to increase public awareness about the impact of tidal flooding and how to handle it independently,” he added.
Regarding Eka’s achievement, the Dean of FIK UI, Agus Setiawan, S.Kp., M.N., Ph.D., said, “We are very proud of Eka Budiarto’s achievement in completing his doctoral studies in a very short time. This is an extraordinary achievement that not only makes FIK UI proud, but also inspires other students to continue to innovate and provide a positive impact on society,” he said.