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Haryo Purwodiningrat Enters UI Through the National Selection Based on Achievement Path, Studying Medicine with Very Affordable Tuition

Haryo Purwodiningrat, a new student at Universitas Indonesia (UI) in 2024, never imagined that he would be sitting with thousands of other students at the UI graduates’ graduation ceremony held at the Balairung UI, Depok Campus, on Saturday, August 24, 2024. Family financial constraints were a consideration that made him hesitate to continue his education and move to higher education. However, the Faculty of Medicine (FK) student was finally able to prove that economic problems did not prevent him from pursuing his dream of studying at his dream campus.

Through the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), he followed all stages of the selection until he was declared to have passed as a UI student in 2024. What was even more encouraging was that he only paid a Single Tuition Fee (UKT) of two million rupiah per semester until he graduated.

“After being accepted at FKUI, I felt very happy, grateful, and relieved at the same time. The struggle and prayers that had been carried out so far finally paid off, and all the hard work finally paid off. I believe that without God’s intervention, I would not have been able to get to this point,” said Haryo.

Before being declared a UI student, Haryo was recorded as an outstanding student at SMAN 1 Bekasi. He has won more than 30 achievements at the regional and national levels, including the Bronze Medal in the 2023 Indonesia National Science Olympiad (OSN); 1st Place in the 2024 National Medical and General Biology Competition (NMGBC) FKUI; 1st Place in the 2023 Biology Environmental Smart Competition Airlangga University; 1st Place in the 2023 Biology Olympiad Festival Universitas Padjadjaran; and 1st Place in the 2023 Biology Smart Competition Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya.

Despite his many achievements, Haryo was hesitant to enroll in college. He really wanted to become a doctor, but the high cost of medical school was a consideration. “I want to use all my abilities to serve the community directly. By becoming a doctor, besides feeling suited to and liking the learning material, I can also share the benefits with others. However, many people say that medical school is very expensive. I was hesitant, is it possible with my current financial limitations, I can become a doctor?” he said.

The thought of burying his dream was immediately dismissed. Haryo looked for information about the entrance pathways and tuition fees for medical school at various universities. From information obtained through the internet and various parties, he learned that FKUI provides opportunities for students to obtain UKT according to the family’s economic condition. In addition, there are many scholarship opportunities offered by UI, both internal and external. Armed with this information, as well as the blessing and support of his mother who for the past few years has been the family’s caretaker, he made up his mind to study at FKUI.

“It takes serious effort to be able to study at FKUI. Therefore, I tried to improve my report card grades, achieve as many achievements as possible, and pray continuously to be able to pass the SNBP pathway. In addition, I also prepared myself to face UTBK by studying as hard as possible. Of all those efforts, one of the toughest moments was when I was fighting in the OSN event. Thankfully, I found a turning point that gave me the strength to keep going,” said Haryo.

All the struggles he went through have now paid off. Haryo was accepted at FKUI through the SNBP pathway. This success not only made him happy, but also his mother, Henrietta Agustina. As the backbone of the family, she had to meet the family’s needs with an income of 1.5-2 million rupiah per month from the food stall she managed. “I am very touched, my son was accepted at FKUI. Moreover, he also gets a UKT of 2 million rupiah per semester. Thank you FKUI, thank you very much for all your attention, God bless,” said Haryo’s mother.

Haryo’s success not only brings pride to himself and his family, but also becomes an inspiration for many people who have high aspirations. Acting Dean of FKUI, Prof. Dr. dr. Dwiana Ocviyanti, SpOG(K), M.P.H, expressed her pride in Haryo’s achievements. “Alhamdulillah, until now FKUI is still the best medical faculty in Indonesia thanks to its intelligent students and the best education standards. Haryo has succeeded in breaking the stigma that studying at FKUI is expensive. Hopefully, Haryo can gain more achievements considering the wide opportunities available at FKUI,” she said.

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