The elderly population is an age group that is vulnerable to changes due to the aging process. Not only do they lose their jobs, but older people are also at risk of experiencing physical and mental health problems. Therefore, to maintain their health, UI held a free health examination and public lecture last Thursday (29/2) at the Auditorium Building I, Faculty of Humanities UI.
This collaborative activity between Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, and Faculty of Psychology was also attended by the Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Bondan Kanumoyoso, S.S., M.Hum.; Dean of Dentistry, Dr. Drg. Nia Ayu Ismaniati, MDSc., SpOrt(K).; and the Dean of Psychology, Dr. Bagus Takwin, M.Hum., Psychologist.
According to Dr. Bondan, this community service activity is the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education by the UI academic community. “Collaboration between faculties is important to make a real contribution to society. Through this synergy, we can make a bigger contribution, especially for the elderly, so they remain healthy in their old age,” said Dr. Bondan.
During this activity, more than 90 elderly people from several elderly schools in Jakarta took part in eye and oral health checks. Elderly people who experience health problems receive a referral letter to be treated further at the nearest community health center or hospital.
Apart from health checks, they also attended a public lecture delivered by the Dean of Dentistry UI for the 2018–2022 period, Prof. Dr. drg. M. F. Lindawati S. Kusdhany, Sp.Pros (K), and Dean of FPsi for the 2004–2008 Period, Dra. Dharmayati Utoyo Lubis, M.A., Ph.D., Psychologist. On that occasion, the two speakers presented topics regarding the role of dental and oral health in improving the quality of life of the elderly and improving their psychological well-being.
Prof. Lindawati said that dental health influences a person’s memory. Generally, people with poor dental health experience dementia more quickly than those who regularly maintain healthy teeth. Meanwhile, from a psychological perspective, Dra. Dharmayanti advised the elderly to use their free time to do things they never had time to do before, such as building harmonious relationships with their family and God.
The Principal of the Fatmawati Elderly School, Yus Rusams, appreciated UI in providing the opportunity for the elderly to “study” at UI. According to him, the elderly group must stick to the principles of living a healthy, independent, active, productive, and dignified life. “Regular activities are very important for elderly people after the retirement phase because routine can maintain their physical and psychological health. The elderly must remain happy in older age and continue to do activities according to their hobbies,” he said.
At the end of the activity, there is an art performance, such as Malay Dance, Choir, and Angklung Music from the Fatmawati Elderly School, as well as the Gambyong Pare Anom Dance from the Suluk Nusantara Studio to motivate the elderly to be productive and energetic in their old age.