Adequate fluid/water in the human body is essential for survival. A hydrated body at least has the ability to fight off viruses. Drinking water also helps oxygenate the cells, so when the cells have enough oxygen, they will work at full capacity, helping to protect the body against foreign objects that try to enter, then fight them off.
In addition, low hydration status in the weeks prior to Covid-19 exposure increases the risk of death from Covid-19, through various possible pathways that favor fluid accumulation in the lungs. Redant (2020) in his research said that dehiration is one of the biggest reasons Covid-19 patients enter the hospital. Lack of hydration also caused 52% of patients exposed to Covid-19 to become hyperthermic and prolonged the length of stay. Adequate hydration is an essential component of health at every stage of life.
This was revealed at an activity entitled “Healthy Living by Meeting the Needs of Body Hydration” conducted by the Faculty of Nursing Sciences, Universitas Indonesia . The event was held as a form of community service (pengmas) and community empowerment (PPM) from one of the departments at Faculty of Nursing Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, namely the Basic Nursing Department of Basic Nursing (DKKD). In this activity, two speakers were present, namely Dr. Krisna Yetti, S.Kp., M.App.Sc as an observer and researcher of Renal Nursing and Philosophy and Ns. Shanti Farida Rachmi, S.Kep., M.Kep. Sp.KMB as an observer and researcher of Basic Nursing.
In his welcoming speech, Dean of Faculty of Nursing Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Agus Setiawan, S.Kp., M.N., D.N., emphasized that one of the activities carried out by FIK UI in carrying out the tri darma of higher education is carrying out community service activities, on this occasion the DKKD department has initiated very important activities related to meeting basic needs that are vital for humans, namely fulfilling hydration, of course with the expertise of the resource person in The talk show will provide knowledge and benefits for all participants and provide leverage for PPM activities at Faculty of Nursing Sciences, Universitas Indonesia.
According to the Head of the Basic Nursing Department, Dr. Hanny Handiyani, S.Kp., M.Kep., this activity can increase the general public’s knowledge about body hydration. It is considered useful as an early detection and adds insight to science, especially body hydration. The participants hoped that this kind of activity would be carried out regularly for the general public with common themes.