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Improving Creative Industry Economy, UI and EVOS Together Create Education and Esports Synergy

As one of the actions to improve the economy of the creative industry in Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia (UI) through its Media Production study program, Vocational Education Program, is building a strategic collaboration with EVOS, one of the largest gaming-entertainment organizations in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. This collaboration is also a concrete step to participate in developing the world of esports in Indonesia.

The implementation of the collaboration begins with teaching by practitioners from EVOS this semester. On this occasion, students of the Media Production Study Program were introduced to the esports ecosystem in the national and international scope from the perspective of EVOS. The material provided by EVOS discusses the introduction of esports, gaming culture, monetization in the world of esports, the use of merchandise from the point of view of the fashion business in the world of esports, to esports marketing. At the end of the lecture, students were invited to create a campaign to promote esports.

The lecture sessions, which have been held from February 7 to March 20, 2024, are filled with practitioner lecturers from EVOS, such as EVOS CEO and Co-Founder, Hartman Harris. Hartman introduced the ecosystem of the esports world to Media Production students. “Esports is no longer just a hobby, but a rapidly growing industry. We are happy to be able to share our experiences and insights to the next generation, especially to our fellow Media Production students at the University of Indonesia,” Hartman said.

The lecture process continued with an introduction to the gaming industry on a national and global scale with Head of WHIM from Edward Gaming. After that, Mohammad Refie Fakhreno, Head of Esports Performance, shared his experience in managing esports teams and players. Then, Tony Tham, as Head of Commercial EVOS, revealed an interesting story about the development of esports that managed to attract the interest of various brands to become sponsors or partners. Next, Muhammad Zulhansyah Irhas Nasution, EVOS’ Head of Merchandise, explained the importance of merchandise in strengthening the identity of esports teams.

In the last session of the lecture, EVOS’ Head of Brand, Winny Sesyarea, along with Geraldy Justin Caesar, EVOS’ Marketing & PR, also shared inspiration and tips on creating esports campaigns that can be valuable for students to become reliable campaign planners. The various knowledge provided by practitioners from EVOS is expected to be a provision for students before entering the industry, both during internships and after graduating from Vocational UI.

Director of UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, welcomed the collaboration program between UI Vocational and EVOS. According to him, the creative industry is currently increasingly in demand by the z generation. Thus, the competence of graduates from the Media Production study program is very suitable for the current trend. Padang explained, “I hope that this collaboration can continue and expand into other forms, both teaching, research, and programs that have a positive impact on society.”

Keep up with the latest information from the collaboration between UI Vocational Media Production and EVOS, through the social media channels Instagram @vocation_ui and @evosesports.

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