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Improving Psychology Therapist with Scott Miller

Terapis PsikologiIn order to commemorated World Mental Health Day that is on October 10th, Psychology Profession Study Program of Psychology Faculty Universitas Indonesia (UI) held “Achieving Clinical Excellence” workshop on last October 16th to 17th at Double Tree Hotel Seminar Room, Cikini, Jakarta. The workshop that was participated by therapists, counselors, and practitioners of psychology health service, invited Scott Miller, Ph.D as the speaker.

The workshop that carried out “Three Steps to Superior Performance” theme was held to improve the therapist self quality by some techniques that was taught by Miller. In this seminar, Miller (Founder of Center for Clinical Excellence) stated three important steos that is needed to do by psychology therapist in order to improve their self quality in handling the patient.

The first one is therapist need to understand patient’s psychological state, relation with people around them, their feeling, what they feel about their self and how is the therapist position in the view of the patient.

Second, therapist should keep measuring the feed back that is given by the patient. Therapists should positioning them self in patient’s point of view, in order to make the patient comfortable and open their self story to therapist. In this step, therapist is suggested to not make any assumption. Therapist should be opened and tolerance with patient’s point of view. Trying to assimilate with patient’s psychological state is the key of this step.

The third step is repetition or consistent practice. Any theory that is used to improve therapist will not be useful if it is not followed by continous practice. Therapists should have willingnes to improve them self without any supervising.

Improving health worker quality is indeed became the most discussed issue for health observers recently, especially since ASEAN Economic Society will be applied in the end of 2015. This workshop presented Scott Miller as the speakers because he is considered as someone who has capability to deliver the discussion about improving psychological practitioners quality.

Miller’s credibility is unquestionable. As the founder of Center for Clinical Excellence, which is a proven credible institute, his practical experience proves his professional quality. Besides that, his humorous personality become his added values as speaker.

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