Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) inaugurated the Learning Center for Positive Deviance Resource Center (PDRC) and Stunting Resource Center (SRC) platform, on Thursday (23/11), in the Building A Hall, FKM UI. The inauguration was carried out by the Director General of Public Health, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Maria Endang Sumiwi; Dean of FKM UI, Prof. dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo; Chair of the Stunting Resources Center, Prof. dr. Endang L. Achadi; General Manager Corporate Communication PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk., Stephanus Indrayana; and HSE/CSR Manager PT Bayan Resources, Tbk., Dian Fiana Ratna Dewi.
The PDRC FKM UI Learning Center is an online learning media that discusses issues related to nutrition and health. The platform is the result of collaboration between the PDRC FKM UI research cluster and PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. The aim is to provide unlimited access to education for health workers and partners. The SRC FKM UI is a research and community service cluster initiated by experts from the Department of Public Health Nutrition FKM UI and PDRC FKM UI, and supported by PT Bayan Resources Tbk.
On that occasion, dr. Maria—representing the government—appreciated UI for creating the PDRC and SRC FKM UI Learning Centers. According to him, health workers and cadres play an important role as the closest source of information for the community. For this reason, UI research platforms and clusters play a major role in educating health workers and cadres so that they are able to increase public knowledge and insight regarding efforts to prevent stunting.
“I congratulate and thank FKM UI for its contribution in helping the community in accelerating stunting reduction. With the existence of the PDRC and SRC FKM UI Learning Centers, we hope that together we can increase the coverage and quality of services for activities to accelerate stunting reduction, including routine monthly growth and development monitoring at Integrated Healthcare Centers (posyandu), as well as follow-up on toddlers with nutritional problems through ongoing education,” said dr. Maria.
According to Prof. Mondastri, since 2022, PDRC FKM UI has developed six educational or training material topics for health workers and partners and they obtain comprehensive and up-to-date nutrition and health information, especially regarding stunting. He said, “With the support of PT Indofood, PDRC FKM UI is developing a Learning Center platform which is expected to provide the widest possible benefits for staff, cadres, and other health partners. In line with this, the SRC FKM UI was also established as our response as academics to the magnitude of the stunting problem which is currently a serious concern for the Indonesian government. The development of the FKM UI SRC is supported by PT Bayan and PT Indofood.”
Prof. Endang, as one of the initiators of the PDRC FKM UI Learning Center platform, said that several factors in the incidence of stunting are closely related to people’s behavior, thus providing adequate education plays an important role in changing people’s healthy behavior. “Most of the various programs implemented in Indonesia include programs that have been proven to be cost-effective in reducing stunting. “However, the coverage of this program is still relatively low, which shows that stunting and its causes are still poorly understood by the public,” he said.
The UI Research Team’s findings were then captured by PT Indofood. Stephanus Indrayana said, “Starting from the same vision, namely education is a very important intervention, Prof. Endang and his team conveyed the results of the study to us that knowledge about stunting and anemia among workers at community health centers and posyandu cadres needs to be improved. For this reason, educational media that reaches health workers and cadres throughout Indonesia quickly without space and time limits and on a large regular basis is needed.”
According to the Chair of PDRC FKM UI, Dr. Ir. Asih Setiarini, the presence of the PDRC FKM UI Learning Center platform has received support from the UI Faculty of Medicine, YARSI University, Hasanuddin University, Airlangga University, and several Professional Organizations (OP), such as the Indonesian Medical Nutrition Society (IMNS), the Indonesian Nutritionists Association (PERSAGI), and the The Indonesian Public Health Association/ IPHA. At its launch, this platform provided three modules for health workers, namely Stunting, Anemia in Pregnant Women, and a Short Guide to Feeding Babies and Children, as well as two modules for cadres, namely the Stunting and Anemia in Pregnant Women module. In total, more than 50 short videos have been produced.
PDRC FKM UI Learning Center learning can be accessed on the website www.learningcenter-pdrcfkmui.id. This learning includes two sessions, which are asynchronous and synchronous. In the asynchronous session, participants learn independently by accessing material in the form of animated videos and pocket books. Each material provided is accompanied by a quiz and at the end of the session, participants will carry out an evaluation to see their level of understanding of the material. After completing the asynchronous session, participants will meet and discuss online with experts or teachers in the synchronous session. Participants who pass will receive an SKP certificate.
Apart from the PDRC FKM UI Learning Center platform, on that occasion, the SRC FKM UI research and community service cluster was also launched. This research cluster was initiated by experts from the Department of Public Health Nutrition FKM UI and PDRC FKM UI, and supported by PT Bayan Resources Tbk. The establishment of SRC FKM UI cannot be separated from the track record of experts involved in collaborative activities related to 1000 HPK and stunting with collaborative partners, both at the national and international levels.
The presence of the SRC FKM UI is proof of the contribution of academics through synergistic collaboration with the business world to be involved in efforts to prevent and overcome nutritional problems in Indonesia, especially the problem of stunting. At its inception, SRC FKM UI will focus on training health workers and empowering cadres, as well as developing a stunting prevention mentoring program in the community supported by PT Bayan and PT Indofood.
Dian Fiana said, “Bayan Group sincerely supports the establishment of the FKM UI SRC which was marked by the signing of a collaboration between Bayan Group and FKM UI on September 11th 2023. We fully appreciate the establishment of this SRC which offers several superior programs, such as online training for health workers and cadres via digital platforms. Hopefully, SRC FKM UI can become a leading source of information regarding stunting nationally and can formulate innovative programs through collaboration with all parties to reduce stunting rates in Indonesia.”