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Increasing Student Preparedness Response, UI Provides Fire Emergency Response Training

Universitas Indonesia > News > Increasing Student Preparedness Response, UI Provides Fire Emergency Response Training

Fire disaster is a risk that can occur anytime and anywhere, including in schools, as has recently appeared in various news reports related to fires in schools due to electrical short circuits, fires in laboratory activities, and cooking activities in the canteen or kitchen. Fires in schools can cause disruption to the teaching-learning process, financial and physical losses, and can threaten the safety of the school community.

Therefore, increasing awareness about disaster management is important, especially for school students. They will be trained to implement it when a disaster occurs.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) actively encouraged the dissemination of emergency and fire emergency response training at SMAN 1 Depok, West Java, on Thursday (30/5). This activity was under the guidance of FKM UI lecturer Dr. Robiana Modjo, S.K.M., M. Kes., as the culminating activity of the intervention and socialization of Field Learning Practices (PBL). “Through this socialization and fire emergency response training, students can gain new experiences and improve their preparedness response in the event of an earthquake and fire,” said Dr. Robiana.

This activity was carried out by Group 6 PBL-1 of the 2021 Occupational Safety and Health S-1 Study Program from FKM UI, which consisted of seven students. The participants were 10th and 11th grade students with a total of nearly 800 students. The activity was packed with an earthquake socialization agenda delivered interactively by the implementing partners, namely Nida Hanifah Nasir, S.K.M., M.K.K.K., and Devi Partina W, S.K.M., M.K.K.K. from the UI K3L Technical Implementation Unit (UPT K3L). Besides being attended by students, this activity was also attended by all school members, such as teachers, officers, and school staff.

The activity, which was held at the SMAN 1 Depok field, began with reciting the Qur’an by one of the students and singing Indonesia Raya song and SMAN 1 Depok Hymn. With the help of the person in charge of the school field, the intervention activity was officially opened with remarks from the Head of SMAN 1 Depok Usep Kasman, M.Pd. “Although Depok is now far from disasters, we must still learn how to survive disasters, including in the school environment,” Usep said.

Meanwhile, the activity continued with the socialization of fire emergency response material by Djoko Setiono, S.H., from the Depok Fire Department. The activity was also reinforced with a demonstration of the use of equipment to extinguish fires, such as fire extinguishers and gunny sacks. With great enthusiasm, some students practiced directly the use of these tools.

“I highly appreciate the K3 FKM UI students for providing benefits to us, SMAN 1 Depok,” said Kusuma Wardhana, S.Pd. Geography teacher at SMAN 1 Depok. He added that the students involved not only gained relevant new knowledge, but also engaged in interactive and fun activities. This enthusiasm not only increased the effectiveness of the activities, but also created a more memorable experience.

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