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Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi Inaugurates UI and UT with Bakohumas Management 2023–2028

Depok, October 25th 2023. Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Budi Arie Setiadi inaugurated the management of the Public Relations Coordinating Agency (Bakohumas) for the 2023-2028 period, on Monday (October 23rd 2023) at the Westin Hotel Jakarta. Universitas Indonesia (UI), in this case the Head of the Bureau of Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure and the Directorate of Marketing and Cooperation of the Indonesia Open University (UT), are two universities that are included in the management of Bakokumas this period, along with other ministries and agencies/institutions.

Bakohumas is under the coordination of the Director General of Information and Public Communication (Kominfo) of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information. It functions to convey, manage, promote, and disseminate government information.

When delivering his remarks, Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie, said that adaptability and agility are the keys for public relations personnels to strengthen the role of government public relations in the digital era, especially as the main instrument in public policy and community services. “Government public relations personnels must be a pillar of a more transparent and accountable government. Socialization and public participation in the development of the National Capital City (IKN), and the peaceful 2024 election campaign must be a common concern. Bakohumas certainly plays an important role in supporting digital literacy, as well as amplifying the narrative of the peaceful 2024 Election through the production of digital content,” said Budi Arie.

He congratulated the newly appointed administrators by giving them assignment pins. The Minister of Communication and Information hopes that the Bakohumas management for the 2023-2028 period can strengthen the government’s public relations performance in quality public services.

Previously, the inauguration event was opened by the Director General of Information and Public Communication (Kominfo) of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information, Usman Kansong. He hopes that Bakohumas will become a forum for cooperation between public relations work units and play a role as a bridge across public agencies in coordinating the management of national public communications.

Next, the Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), represented by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, said that currently there is a shift in information governance; what was previously centralized as a single actor has become decentralized and multi-actor. Therefore, Public Relations has a strategic role in conveying official information.

The newly appointed Bakohumas management structure includes the Information Dissemination Sector, the Inter-Institutional Relations and Advocacy Sector, and the Human Resources and Organization Sector. The achievements of the 2024 Bakohumas Program development meeting were the preparation of recommendations for the management of Bakohumas 2024, a recommendation matrix for Agenda Setting Priority Issues 2024, a program recommendation matrix in the field of information dissemination in 2024, in the field of inter-institutional relations in 2024, and a program recommendation matrix in the field of HR 2024. UI and UT are included in the same fields, namely HR and Organization.

At the 2024 Bakohumas program coordination meeting (rakor) held on the same day, the Head of the UI Public Relations Bureau and Public Information Disclosure (KIP), Amelita Lusia, M.Si, said it was necessary for HR or public relations workers to have competency certification in HR development policies. “Public relations personnels need to master public speaking, negotiating and lobbying techniques. Social media management also needs to be paid attention to, including carrying out monitoring and evaluation in calculating the effectiveness of public communication,” said Amelita.


Dra. Amelita Lusia, M.Si., CPR
Head of Public Relations Bureau and KIP UI
Media Contact: Finda Salsabila, MA
(Media Relations UI, 08151500-0002)

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