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Kampus Merdeka Sociology Study Program Universitas Indonesia Opens Opportunities for Undergraduate Students to Become Researchers

The Universitas Indonesia (UI) continues to be committed to implementing the Independent Learning Program-Independent Campus (MBKM) policy. One form of learning activities for the MBKM program, namely research, opens opportunities for undergraduate students who have an interest in becoming researchers. Through research activities at Research Institutes/study centers, students can develop critical thinking, which is very much needed for various scientific groups at the higher education level.

The Sociology Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UI has an E-Sociology of Digital Governance and Economy (ESDGE) program, which is a research type MBKM program that prioritizes sharpening graduates’ achievements as researchers, data scientists, digital analysis, and start-up business builders. “This is a Research MBKM program held with a weight of 20 Semester Credit Units (SKS). ESDGE is a pioneering university validated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in accordance with Kepmendikbudristekdikti no. 74/2021,” said the Chief Executive of ESDGE Dr. Nadia Yovani, M.Sc., in an activity entitled “Contribution of Digital Sociology Research to the 2021 National Assessment: Implementation of the MBKM E-Sociology of Digital Governance and Economy Program” on Monday, (31/01) in a hybridway.

“In order to prepare for this program, since July 2021 the development team of the Independent Campus Competency Program (PKKM) E-Governance has carried out various trainings, workshops, and in September 2021 the team conducted the opening and briefing of ESDGE participants. In 2019 the Sociology undergraduate curriculum has changed to industry 4.0 and is emphasized on the OBE (Outcome-Based Education) curriculum in 2020, so the ESDGE program is formed for the Social Humanities Clump, and it is hoped that this program can solve problems in society (economic and governance aspects), “said Nadia.

ESDGE Team Leader Prof. Dr. Sudarsono Hardjosoekarto said, “Our team learns to equip students to enter the era of digital governance where students will become digital scientists and then start a digital laboratory which will continue to be equipped with a sociological perspective. Then we also try out actionresearch, students will conduct research in various organizations, besides that, what is more important is pioneering digital research, where the main data is digital data,” said Sudarsono.

Conceptual basic knowledge about development and governance as well as research methodology was built using the digital learning platform owned by UI, which is The platform has designed four courses in the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that is Understanding development in Sociology Perspective, Organizational Sociology and Digital Bureaucracy, Action Research Action Learning, and Digital Research Methods. The MOOC Development Team who worked hard on this program were Francissia SS Seda, Ph.D, Yosef Hillarius, M.Si, Dr. Radhiatmoko, One Herwantoko, M.Sc., and Nur Muhammaditya, M.Sc.

All of this basic knowledge is put into practice in a virtual working space called the Social Digital Virtual Interface (SDVI), where students work virtually together with accompanying lecturers and research assistance teams to examine the problems faced by ESDGE partners. In this first year, ESDGE’s partner is the Center for Assessment and Learning of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, with topics directed at the concept of governance and development for national assessments for all students at the Dikdasmen (Elementary and Secondary Education) level.

Head of the Center for Assessment and Learning of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dra. Asrijanty MA., Ph.D, said, “This program is very good, which seems to be very well thought out by the team and utilizes technology and adapts to needs because it provides benefits for both students and the community. We ourselves at the Ministry of Education and Culture have benefited from this ESDGE program, because the topics chosen for research or for this program are national assessments. The national assessment is a priority program of the Ministry of Education and Culture starting in 2021. Therefore, we need input and data from research results or aspirations in the field, “he said.

There are some output obtained by Universitas Indonesia (UI) from the ESDGE program, namely cooperation agreements with MBKM partners; 12 participants in the odd semester 2021/2022 where 20 credits can be recognized by the Sociology Study Program; SDVI Virtual Lab Platform(Social Data Virtual Interface);ESDGE Instagram platform as a means of dissemination and promotion of the program; Four Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Modules; 56 learning videos from 4 MOOC Courses; Monograph Portfolio for Cooperation Partners; The ability of data scientist to compete when graduating from an undergraduate study program; and Digital Research Work with student-partner groups and lecturers.

This program is expected to assist in the assessment of the implementation of the national assessment. In addition, students who have expertise in the field of digital research can implement their abilities after graduating from the study program where they study.

This program is open to all students of the Social Humanities Clump, and can also be attended by students from other disciplines who want to explore issues of governance and digital bureaucracy. For more information, visit the ESDGE Instagram platform


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