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Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Proteomics Core Facilities Indonesia Medical Education and Research Institute FK Achieves ISO 17025:2017 Accreditation

Depok, July 21st 2023. Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Proteomics Core Facilities Indonesia Medical Education and Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (MBPCF IMERI FK UI), achieved accreditation from the National Accreditation Body of Indonesia (KAN) as a Testing Laboratory according to SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017. The accreditation certificate is numbered LP-1807-IDN, issued on June 7th 2023 and valid until June 6th 2028.

By obtaining this accreditation, the MBPCF IMERI FK UI is considered to be of high quality and meets the competence to carry out tests in the field of molecular biology with the scope of isolation of total ribonucleic acid (RNA), measurement of total RNA concentration, and analysis of the relative expression level of mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) derived from blood samples, tissues, cultured cells, as well as playing a role in genetic information and structural roles.

The ISO/IEC 17025:2017 quality management standard used by KAN as a reference for accreditation assessment requires various technical requirements that must be fulfilled by a testing laboratory and calibration laboratory. Laboratories that meet these standards demonstrate that they operate competently, impartially, and can provide lawful results.

In addition to the services that have been proposed for accreditation activities, the MBPCF IMERI FKUI Laboratory also provides research examination services in the field of protein such as ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and western blot. In addition, the MBPCF Laboratory also accepts cell culture work, either from fresh tissue or from sustainable cell lines.

“Researchers can also take advantage of the use of sophisticated facilities and equipment, such as cold rooms and ultracentrifuges which have a maximum speed of up to 65,000 rpm,” said Head of the MBPCF IMERI FKUI Cluster Prof. Dr.rer.physiol dr. Septelia Inawati Wanandi. She also said that the MBPCF Laboratory as the front line of IMERI FKUI provides the widest opportunity for Indonesian researchers to utilize accredited research facilities and services in order to achieve internationally recognized outcomes.

Director of IMERI-FKUI Prof. dr. Badriul Hegar, Ph.D., Sp.A(K) said that with the accreditation of the MBPCF Core facility laboratory services by KAN, this shows that IMERI-FKUI always maintains the quality of its research laboratory services by referring to predetermined standards. “We believe that the results of an examination are important and must be guaranteed for accuracy, especially when it concerns human dignity, both directly and indirectly,” he said.

He added, “With the facilities and equipment that we have, as well as the support of the professional team behind it, IMERI FKUI is always ready to support the development of research capabilities of researchers and innovators. We’re also open to research convergence through existing clusters,” said Prof. Hegar.

The Dean of FKUI, Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD-KGEH, MMB appreciated this achievement and said, “As a research center in the field of medicine, IMERI FKUI continues to improve its facilities to support various studies in Indonesia. With this accredited MBPCF laboratory and its state-of-the-art facilities, I hope this can help researchers produce quality research.”

The MBPCF IMERI FKUI Laboratory is located in the IMERI FKUI Building 7th Floor of Research Tower, Jl. Salemba Raya No. 6, Jakarta. The MBPCF IMERI FKUI Laboratory has a WhatsApp service at number 0811-8744-775 or can be contacted by telephone (021) 29189160 ext. 201701 and e-mail . More complete information about the MBPCF Laboratory – IMERI FKUI can be accessed on the website

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