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Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan Inaugurated Lecture Room at FEB UI

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) of the Republic of Indonesia, General TNI (Ret.) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan inaugurated renovated classrooms, which are part of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), University of Indonesia (UI), Depok Campus on Wednesday (19/6). Among the inaugurated classrooms, class A3.16, was donated by General (Ret.) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan; class A3.02 was donated by PT CBL Indonesia Investment; class A2.01 was donated by CNGR Advance Material co. ltd; and class B101 and B102 were donated by PT Musim Mas.

In his remarks, Coordinating Minister Marves said, “I am very happy to be surrounded by young talents including FEB UI alumni, who are currently serving at the Ministry. They are very concerned about the progress of their alma mater’s education and are experts in research. This made me take the initiative to participate in donating classroom renovations at FEB UI,” he said.

Before the inauguration, Coordinating Minister Marves and his deputies who are alumni of FEB UI discussed with the leaders, professors, and lecturers of FEB UI regarding the strategic steps of economic development that must be taken in the future. In addition, they discussed economic development in the last 10 years. This is related to Indonesia’s efforts so that the economy can grow by 6 percent in order to achieve the target of realizing the Golden Indonesia 2045.

“I invite the academic community of FEB UI to contribute to the balance of economic stability and growth through research or the like to anticipate digital disruption and artificial intelligence (AI), global food security issues, climate change, and geopolitical situations,” said Luhut.

He added that Indonesia has a very big vision of becoming a high-income country before 2045. However, to realize this vision is not easy, because Indonesia is faced with various challenges, one of which is that economic growth must grow higher than the current condition, which is around six percent. On the one hand, currently the downstream strategy of Indonesia’s mineral resources has been managed independently in the country, which has proven to be able to increase exports and Indonesia’s economic resilience. “I also asked for advice from academics and experts from FEB UI regarding further strategies to encourage faster industrialization in Indonesia,” he said.

Every regulation/policy formulation taken by the government stems from gradual, multilevel, and continuous research. Therefore, Coordinating Minister Marves hopes that the discussions and meetings held with academics and experts from FEB UI can continue and produce research cooperation. This is useful to help the government determine a regulation/policy in realizing the Golden Indonesia 2045.

Dean of FEB UI Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D., said that FEB UI needs collaboration and cooperation from various parties, including the government, alumni, companies / industries to build learning infrastructure at FEB UI in order to advance education and produce young talents as the next generation of the Indonesian nation. “I would like to thank Coordinating Minister Luhut for discussing with us about the future of Indonesia as well as the donor of the classroom renovation.

At the event, which coincided with the 20th Anniversary of FEB UI alumni class of 2002, appreciation was also given to alumni and industry partners who had provided classroom renovation assistance and scholarship support for FEB UI students. Also attending the event were Commissioner of PT Sumberenergi Sakit Prima, Richard Yasin; President Director of PT Musim Mas, Gunawan Siregar; Director of PT CBL Indonesia Investment, Tatang Hendra; and Senior Vice President of CNGR Advance Material co. ltd, Mr. Tao Wu.

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