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Luhut Panjaitan Says Indonesia Controls Covid-19 Thanks to Evidence-Based Strategy

“So far, Indonesia has controlled the Covid-19 pandemic at a low level, I am not sure if it can reach zero-case. Indonesia’s success in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic shows that Indonesia can overcome complex challenges as long as we continue to design strategies based on knowledge and evidence and as long as we work together,” said the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia, General TNI (National Army) (Ret.) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, M.P.A. through a speech he delivered at the FM UI (Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia) Online Seminar Series 47 with the theme “Towards Covid-19 Endemic Readiness” on Saturday, December 18, 2021.

In a speech titled “National Strategy for Pandemic Response & Preparedness from Central to Rural Areas”, Luhut said that since the implementation of PPKM, the Covid-19 rate has been significantly reduced. The government has also used technology and big data such as Peduli Lindungi (Care and Protect) to Monitor the effectiveness on the Restrictions on Community Activities It was also mentioned that in overcoming Covid-19, cooperation from various elements of the country is needed in an integrated manner and acceleration in the health sector.

Besides Luhut, this event was also attended by the Deputy Minister of Health, dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Sp.PD-KEMD, Ph.D., and the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A, M.B.A., who attended the 51st Series of Universitas Indonesia Online Seminar with the theme “Are We Ready to Face the Third Wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic?”.

dr. Dante, who delivered material on health transformation, said, “This is very important because the pandemic teaches us that health is a priority in all places, in all fields, in all directions of development goals because we see that the pandemic has destroyed various sectors both social, cultural, educational, and economic of course.”

The health transformation comes as Indonesia still has persistent health problems such as low life expectancy, maternal and infant mortality rates and a high prevalence of stunting. It was also mentioned that the Indonesian Ministry of Health has committed to transforming the health system with six pillars of health transformation, namely primary care, referral services, health resilience, health financing, health human resources, and health technology. Each of these pillars has a role and strategy which, if implemented properly, will make Indonesia strong in the health sector.

Meanwhile, Sandiaga Uno said that although health has become a top priority, the economy should not be put aside because its influence is vital for public health. “The pandemic condition has forced people to continuously innovate, adapt, and collaborate given the many changes that have occurred catastrophically due to the current pandemic. The tourism sector is one of the sectors that has been heavily affected by this pandemic,” he said.

“Our tourism competitiveness index at the World Economic Forum is still the highest, at 3.2 among ASEAN countries. The pillars are culture resources, business travel, and what we have to improve are health & hygiene, safety & security, and improving human resources. We implemented CHSE certification with the Peduli Lindungi app. We believe with a tourism certificate, tourism destinations and tourism products can innovate, adapt and collaborate,” Sandi said. Furthermore, Sandiaga hopes that through this activity Universitas Indonesia (UI) Faculty of Medicine can ensure that Indonesia is indeed ready in the event of a third wave of Covid-19

In addition to the keynote speaker, there were also speakers from different backgrounds, moderated by Dr. Iwan Ariawan, M.S.P.H., lecturer from the Department of Biostatistics and Population Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Medicine. The first speaker was Director of Health Services Dr. apt. Wirabrata, S.Si., M.Kes, M.M., M.H.; Senior Lecturer and Head of the Master Program of Occupational Hygiene School of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Queensland Dr. Kelly Johnstone; and researcher from Imperial College London Dr. Dian Kusuma, S.K.M., M.P.H., Sc.D..

In the 51st Series of Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Medicine Online Seminar, there were four other presenters, including the Board of Experts of Gerbang Betawi Cholil Hasan, S.E., M.B.A.; lecturer and epidemiologist of FM UI UI Dr. Tri Yunis Miko Wahyono, M.Sc.; Head of the Expert Team / Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Handling Committee Prof. drh. Wiku Adisasmito, M.Sc., Ph.D.; and Professor of Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. dr. Sabarinah Prasetyo, M.Sc.

The seminar was organized by Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Program students with support from PT Waskita Karya Tbk, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical, PT Wijaya Karya Tbk, Hj Hospital. Bunda Halimah, PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk, PT Elnusa Tbk, PT Pertamina Gas and Pertamina Patra Drilling Contractor in order to respond to the issue of the Covid-19 endemic..

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