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Makara Art Center Encourages Utilization of Kitchen Waste

Depok, June 8th 2023. Universitas Indonesia (UI) Makara Art Center (MAC) and the Bakul Budaya Community held Eco enzyme and Ecoprint training in the Courtyard of the Faculty of Humanities (FIB) on Wednesday (07/06/2023). The eco enzyme training material was delivered by activists from Eco Enzyme Nusantara, namely the Chairperson of Eco Enzyme Nusantara for the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, and Sukabumi areas, Ketut Budi, along with M. Mediatrix Widijanto, and Pius Wisnu. This activity was a series of “Sedekah Hutan UI 2023”. The event was opened by the Chairperson of Bakul Budaya, Dewi Fajar Marhaeni. When delivering her remarks, Dewi invited the participants to utilize kitchen waste to be processed into eco enzyme liquid which is very useful for various purposes.

Eco enzyme is a versatile liquid produced from the fermentation of organic waste such as food scraps, fruit and vegetables. It is also known as a waste enzyme because it is produced from organic waste.

Waste is a common problem that must also be addressed by each individual, starting from the household as one of the waste producers. From households, waste must be separated into organic and inorganic.

Inorganic waste is to be processed again (recycled) to produce added value, while organic waste can be used as raw material for eco enzymes. “Kitchen waste such as fruit peels and fresh vegetable scraps can be used as basic ingredients for making eco enzymes,” said Mediatrix Widijanto.

The practical session on processing materials, such as fruit peels and vegetable scraps into eco enzymes, was guided by Pius Wisnu. Hundreds of participants from various backgrounds, including students, university students, members of the cultural community, and the general public were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity.

At the end of the eco enzyme training session, all participants were invited to jointly pour eco enzyme liquid into Kenanga UI Lake. This action was carried out in order to make the lake water quality healthier and to supply nutrition for the various animals that live in it.

No less enthusiastic, during the ecoprint training session, the participants who had brought various types of leaves to be used as ecoprint materials , were eager to learn the ecoprint technique guided by Demetria Dewi who is also the Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Essential Oil Council. Ecoprint is a printing technique using natural or environmentally friendly materials that can be used on many media. These natural ingredients can come from tannins or the coloring matter of leaves, roots or stems which are placed on a piece of cloth, then the cloth is boiled.

All participants were happy to see their own work. These works will later be presented in a fashion show at the closing of the Sedekah Hutan UI 2023 event at Makara Art Center UI. Head of Makara Art Center UI, Dr. Ngatawi Al Zastrouw, welcomed the holding of this event, because it was seen as a form of UI’s contribution to the wider community.

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